Re: Hello!
hello and welcome. can wait to see pics of your green conda, im a fan of the big snakes as well ,go big or go home lol jk since joining the forum i expanded my addiction to all breeds big or was bad enouph before but thanks to these guys here,not only will i need a whole house for the large snakes i want, i will need one for all the little ones i like now as well lol. just a question for you, i read that green anacondas got a musky smell to them that does not go away and they smell pretty bad all the time and gets much worse when they are large? like an oil that excreats from there skin so when you hold them you stink after. not sure how bad this smell really is or if its 100% true but i figure ill ask and find out. they look so sweet i love the pattern, i almost got one before i got my retic but that was the reason i didnt.