Originally Posted by Corran
As far as all snakes not wanting to be handled thats bs. Every snake has a different personality some like it, some don't.
I dont want to make an issue of this, and you are of course entitled to believe what you like, but it is not BS. People tend to anthropomorphize. In other words they see behaviors in animals that resemble human behaviors, and they ascribe to that animal human-like motives for the behavior. Snakes have tiny little brains and act in very instinctive and predictable ways. They dont like being held any more than your plants do. They dont recognize you from anyone else. They are (for the most part) not social animals, and dont experience social emotions. Most snakes dont even behave socially with their own kind, never mind with humans.
Anyway, like I said, you are entitled to believe what you want, but if you are going to call my position "BS", I'm going to defend it.