rikki as much as I would love to agree with you this is a feeder forum.
In reality she probably DID eat her babies because a mother would rather kill and eat the babies then see them get taken away (which may be why mice do it, AKA a nervous mother and will do it till she trusts you.) and I would love nothing more than for the rat to be given more and more chances, but this is NOT a pet rat site/forum and must not lose site of that.
BUT as said, if she is not consistantly producing for Paleo then I would wack her, she is taking up food, space, litter, time and eventually money (For taking up all the litter water, and food). That could be being put into a mother rat that is consistant.
Marisa: Every try to raise hamsters? I find that if you touch them when born they eat the entire nest of them quickly afterwards (unless the mother REALLY trusts you) it is even suggested you don't touch the nest/babies/or clean the cage for 2 wks after they are born.
Only 6 litters? I always got about 10 good litters from my girls, or waited until the litters started getting smaller.(when I was breeding
Paleo, female rats are usually great mothers. A bit "grumpy" at times, but good. lol