Loved it.
My Zombie hunting kit will now include:
One handed Chainsaw
Old records.
It's absolutely on my "to buy" list.
The Dawn of the Dead remake was very good too, as was Apocalypse.
I always laugh when critics pan a zombie movie or comic book movie cause the acting isn't oscar quality.
Just on the off chance that movie producers may read this.
Ingredients for a successful Zombie movie:
1) Zombies (well duh, doesn't matter if they're fast or slow)
2) People to eat.
3) Chainsaw(s) and Shotgun(s) with a smattering of other weapons
4) More Zombies
5) Some dumb protagonists that will later be Zombies
6) Killing.
7) More killing. Perhaps some dining on brains, tissue or other body parts
8) Dismembering *VERY IMPORTANT* (Of zombies or people... preferably both)
9) Explosions
10) repeat list from the top till movie ends.
We don't care about acting. This isn't "The English Patient" So long as scared looks scared and happy looks happy i'm content.
I'm not afraid of the Dark, I'm afraid of what's IN the Dark. ~Anonymous~
Ball Python, Leopard Geckos, Bearded Dragon, Crested Geckos, Corn snakes a Dumeril's Boa and African Dwarf Frogs so far.