A handy resource for laws, and other things regarding reptiles and amphibians in your province is
They have a list of provincial regulations regarding captive wildlife.
The section they have from Alberta is found at
It was taken from the full act found at
At the bottom of the
http://www.carcnet.ca/english/legal/legalAB.html page, there are links to every province, which make interesting reading.
Alberta’s laws are very long, and appear to have been written by a team of lawyers, and the way they are written could leave them open to interpretation to many wildlife officers. I do know different offices enforce and interoperate the health certificate part differently, so some may interoperate the import and export laws differently than they are meant to be. .
It may be a good idea to phone the person in charge of permits for your area, to see how they are currently enforcing the import laws. Maybe things have changed since I last imported cornsnakes to a reptile show – who knows. Maybe it would be an opportunity to influence change of the way the laws are handled.
In Calgary, the person in charge of permits is Kathy Vallee.