Originally posted by Double J
Here is an excerpt from one of *my* replies to a thread of a similar topic...
"anoles and green tree frogs..... again.... though they do come from the same geographical region, they inhabit far differnet *microclimates.* The treefrogs generally inhabit cooler shadier areas during they day out of the sun, while the anole are out basking directly in the sun, chasing around insects in the warmth. Creating both of these microclimates in such a small tank is next to impossible. The needs of one species would be compromised for another either way. It is far easier just to stick to one species. You will have far fewere headaches, and no dead animals. "
oh , i see now thats an intelligent reason.
i always thought my tank was really cool. the anoles out by day and the tree frogs did their thing at night.
i guess i did get lucky for all that time without any disease..
thanks doubleJ