i agree to feed normally, just not over sized meals
i am fully aware of how big it can get and what average is well before i bought it, or any of my pets
i can also appreciate people getting upset if they think a animal will not be taken care of properly, believe me my life revolves around my animals i treat them with the utmost respect and care they deserve.
i in no way will allow my animals health be at any risk, i was just interested ,
it seems to be an excepted practice to ask a question on how to power feed,, what ever ones definition of power feeding may be,
people seem to think thats ok which in my opinion could cause a problem for your animal. i must admit i am not interested in stunting its growth i am interested in having it look lean and healthy, not over grown, lets face it how many times have you seen a post to see who has the biggest boa, and how did you get it so big. we all know some people try to feed the biggest feeder their snake will take to get it to grow faster and bigger which in my opinion is not healthy, my optimal goal is to have a healthy well maintained lean natural looking boa. matt-k hit the nail on the head the operative word was GROWTH RATE,, my mistake, my apologies on that .
Last edited by kjay; 11-16-04 at 10:47 AM..