Hey everyone here is a lil update on wedgey
as of recent she has turned back into herself a lot more spunky, passing good stools, goes nuts when i walk inyo the room still is showing some hip bones but i am hoping that will soon change givin she is clearly digesting her food much better...
After all is said and done i am leaning towards her having rot gut of sorts because I do recall feeding her a fairly large rtodent pretty late and just before before her daytime lights turned off not giving her ample time to bask and digest it...
I just recalled doing this recently
but anyways i have learned my lesson and do not intend on doing such ever again
So I will continue to post updates on her weight as time goes but I am happy to inform everyone that she appearsto be at around 85% and continues to get better every waking minute
Thanks for everyones suggestions:
Dean Herzberg