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Old 10-19-04, 09:24 PM   #16
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dave68, I wouldn't have commented on the behaviour changes alone if they were not accompanied by the monitor's hip bones showing.
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Old 10-19-04, 10:51 PM   #17
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crocdoc what do you mean by that
Im confused...
Dean Herzberg
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Old 10-19-04, 11:30 PM   #18
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Are you sure its defecated pieces of..

Half digested mouse and not puking them up? Ive seen sick monitors and other lizards, snakes etc puke mice partially digested up and it looks similar but stinks something horrible in comparison. Id say check your temps, switch to dirt (suggestion). They can after all digest darn near anything if the temps are high enough. But if the temps are too low they will not plus puke them up so they dont poison themselves. That sounds like a low temperature problem to me, this time of year can bring it on, as the temps dropped fast here. Keep us posted and try upping temps.
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Old 10-19-04, 11:50 PM   #19
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It sounds to me like more than just low temperatures. If he's had the monitor for 15 months and it is only now losing weight, with hip bones showing, while still eating voraciously, there's something going on.
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Old 10-19-04, 11:57 PM   #20
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I agree crocdoc
Im temp gunning constantly very busy when it comes to checking temps, she can bask at as high a temperature as 145 degrees which I know is just about ideal, and Im pretty sure that temps arent the issue because in her 6x3x2 cage she can choose her temps to suit her needs at any time... day or night
there is definetly something else happening Im starting to lean towards some sort of virus of sort (bacteria maybe) but im stumped and am really not sure from what.
Dean Herzberg
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Old 10-20-04, 12:23 AM   #21
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A good friend sent an ornate forest monitor..

With his business partner, it was doing great and growing fast, only when he returned it , it hadnr grown since, it stank something horrible, under the cyprus mulch was tons of half digested mice, this monitor barely lost any weight really but hp bones showed. It was puking the food up when no one was looking, then burying it. The temps were too low. I suggested this because of the time of year and I know here they dropped fast, from 70-80 down to 40-60 in days time. It made a difference that I have to adjust my monitors cages a bit for. Just a suggestion. Chemicals, bacteria maybe, virus maybe, Im leaning towards temps or chemical problems. Anything that may have happened or was fed to it or exposed by air while you werent around or that you might not think could cause it? Bug sprays, water pipes replaced in the house, or street recently, someone unintentionally using a new chemical in the last month?
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Old 10-21-04, 11:36 PM   #22
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Hey everyone here is a lil update on wedgey
as of recent she has turned back into herself a lot more spunky, passing good stools, goes nuts when i walk inyo the room still is showing some hip bones but i am hoping that will soon change givin she is clearly digesting her food much better...
After all is said and done i am leaning towards her having rot gut of sorts because I do recall feeding her a fairly large rtodent pretty late and just before before her daytime lights turned off not giving her ample time to bask and digest it...
I just recalled doing this recently
but anyways i have learned my lesson and do not intend on doing such ever again

So I will continue to post updates on her weight as time goes but I am happy to inform everyone that she appearsto be at around 85% and continues to get better every waking minute

Thanks for everyones suggestions:
Dean Herzberg
Dean Herzberg
0.0.2 Spectacled Caiman
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