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View Poll Results: Do you think we should rescue reptiles from petstore?
Yes, we need to help those poor creature 31 28.97%
No, they're gonna make more cash and buy some more anyway 62 57.94%
Other (explain) 14 13.08%
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Old 10-15-02, 08:27 PM   #16
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thats a tough one, by rescueing the animal, you give it a good home, but you also "reward" the store, with your money, then they bring in 2 or 3 more to replace it, then you rescue those, the store gets more money, 2 or 3 more come on and so on, it's like puppy mills with dogs, the only way you can beat it, is at the source. it's a no win situation really
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Old 10-16-02, 04:20 PM   #17
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To compensate a store for having unhealthy conditions is completely wrong. In my previous post I meant remove the animal, without compensation to deter the stores behaviour.

Remove ALL animals deemed to be kept in unacceptable conditions without compensation and then fine the store severely.

ESTABLISH a health code for pet stores, like those that restaurants have to adhere too.

Make pet store display a BIG sign that states how they did on their last inspection...i.e.:

--> A rating - animals have been deemed to be kept in outstanding conditions on these premises. The animals at this establishment appear to harbour no noticeable parasites...etc.

--> B rating - animals have been deemed to be kept in good conditions on this premises. Management has been notified of possible areas of improvement and have indicated that these will be acted upon immediately. Overall animals appear healthy and no noticeable parasites observed.

--> C rating - Animals have been deemed to be kept in minimally acceptable conditions on these premises. Management makes no guarantee as to the general health of these animals and present conditions may contribute to unhealthy specimens.

--> D rating - Animals have been deemed to be kept in below average conditions. Management makes no guarantee as to the general health of these animals and present condition may contribute to unhealthy specimens. This establish been fined and its animal should not be considered to be in good health.

--> F rating - Establishment closed due to numerous health violations. Please contact the following rescue organizations to adopt an animal seized from this establishment.

This system would allow smaller stores to be competitive with the big chain store by establishing a reputation for clean healthy animals.
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Old 10-16-02, 05:28 PM   #18
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HERE HERE!! Excellent idea, now if only we can convince governmental agencies that these kinds of laws need to be passed!!
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Old 10-16-02, 05:53 PM   #19
Bryan Self
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One major problem. Animal control is already understaffed. Who will manage this orginazation? Also alot of what is said is subjective not objective. I would dare to say that to most people that buy a few reptiles that the way breeders keep their reptiles whould be "minimally acceptable." Reptiles are kept in the smallest sizes that they, breeders, feel are accatable. I know breeders that keep snakes w/o hides. Raise groups of leos in sweater boxes, 3 females then add a male for short periods during breeding. Then there is the problem of more bureaucracy. The only large python rescue in my area is fighting both the city and county where he lives. Even though he is in a rural ag. zone. This allows for unlimited numbers of animals, there is an absecure law that makes it illegal to own any snakes over 6 ft. w/o a conditional use permit. This fight is over 2 years old and it does not look like he will win. And as much as I hate to say it having the code for resturants is to save lives. I am a resturant manager by trade. To put the same conditions on another business where there are no human lives at stake is wrong. It is anti-business and in my opinion anti-democratic. Small business is what drives the economy and to put more regulations on them just hurts everybody.
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Old 10-17-02, 03:54 PM   #20
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Originally posted by derek
if we rescued them how would pet stores make more cash?would they not lose the money that they paid for it? it would also give the goverment some stats so they realize how many reptiles are suffering in the world every day. if i had the option i could not watch reptiles slowly die of hunger,poor living conditions etc, etc. i would save as many herps as i could if i had the money and space!
if you rescue them by buying them then the company uses your money to buy more reptiles to sell to more suckers.
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Old 10-18-02, 04:57 AM   #21
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I'd want to help as many as possible, myself... but the ready supply of replacements for a bad store is discouraging. I'm lucky that the store I go to treats al their herps with respect. I have heard horror stories about that big chain in the states, but also that individual stores were being reporting and 'encouraged' to clean up their act. The issue of a quick buck over providing healthy animals is one that will be around for a long time - all the more reason to encourage people to buy from breeders.

At least that's my two cents
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Old 10-19-02, 05:31 PM   #22
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I was recently at petco and they had a blue tongue skink, and they were feeding it ripped up pieces of breaded chicken strips! I have to avoid going over to the reptile section because I always end up getting so furious at the conditions they keep all their reptiles in.
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Old 10-22-02, 09:59 AM   #23
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I feel that if animals need to be rescued from a pet store they should be removed free of charge and a black mark applyed to said store 3 black marks and there not permitted to sell exotics for a period of 1 yr and it should go up from there.
Lets face it pet store's are in the market to make money its only in there best interest this be forced on them to take the best care possible if not then that privilage should be revoked.
Have a good one
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Old 10-31-02, 11:31 AM   #24
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I have nocticed that pet stores that are not a chain are usually the best stores.The one i go to is always clean they also give out care sheets for any animal you buy.I think more pet shops should be like that
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Old 11-01-02, 02:02 PM   #25
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I agree with Rev.... if you can take an animal and not have to pay for it great! If you have to pay and provide the store with profit, no way!

Call or write a letter to the proper authorities!

Sophia... when you say belly heat please tell me you are not referring to a heat rock!
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