that is a beautiful ornatus = do not see them that big very often, and they do grow biger than that to be sure...I love the Azure color to them, or maybe it is just the film?
Nile monitors do have attitude and can be very aggressive, but as adults they seem 'to know' nothing can bother them at those sizes and act very much like a V. salvator - docile-like - rarely biting and sometimes tail lashing, so one must always be 'aware' of them - they still are wild animals to a point. A friend of mine who lived here in Berkeley, has since moved to Los Angeles to continue his film career, has 2 such huge 6 foot V. ornatus, and they are regarded the same as their dogs, all feed together in the kitchen with separate bowls and food, and usually sleep together, but the ornates end up in the bathtub/shower more often than the dogs do.... these 'hefty' animals are dog tame, and often will become excitied when any 'female' approaches them: human, canine, and especially Varanus - they are hilarious and often messy - I keep telling George to get some female V. ornatus but he just laughs and tells me what would he do with all the babies?? 2 six-foot ornates would deposit alot of eggs I suspect!
Good Luck with your animal, and for those have babies/juveniles, be patient, and in time and lots of nips and bandaids, it is worth it.