Originally posted by little_dragon_
If I bought a pair that had parasites...could they be spread over to my other herps?
MOST definitiely! You have to be very very careful if your geckos have parasites. Right now I am dealing with parasites in one pair of uroplatus I have. They are otherwise healthy but the regimen for containment and decontamination is pretty strict. These geckos are LTC and have 3 parasites that have been identified:
1) Eimeria spp. (coccidia)
2) Trichomonas
3) Entamoeba
One of these is common, one can be deadly to herps, and one is dangerous to herps and people (so I'm not allowed to lick the geckos).
Sara mentioned vet bills. I promise you, the vet bills to deal with these parasites have doubled the cost of the gecko pair and by the time I am done, the cost will be tripled. Off the top, you need to have a fecal done every two weeks until you get three negatives in a row. For me, fecals cost ~$30 so that is a minimum of $90 already added to the cost of the cheaper WC geckos.
If you really want to buy a pair of uroplatus, you really really should buy a CB pair. They cost quite a bit more than WC or LTC but they will be healthy animals that probably won't need debugging and chances are, a breeder will have chosen the nicest geckos to breed and s/he will have beautiful geckos to sell you. With WC or LTC you never know what you're gonna get. If you buy WC you might luck out and get a really nice gecko but most certainly the dealer selling you the WC uroplatus will have taken the best ones for him/herself.