I have to agree with Chris, both pardalis in the above photos are Ambanja. The new locale to be imported to the US is under the assumed name of Mafana also know as Soabana from an island way off Madagascar called Nosy Mitiso. The name given to this locale is similar to that of Turquoise, Soabana, Picasso, where the exporter gives them a trade mark name for that particular exporter. Mafana in Malagasy means "HOT" and yes they are hot right now. I happen to like neon green/yellow. The price of this particular locale is more then that of others due to the simple fact that they cost the exporter more to collect. True there are other locales collected on islands off the coast of Madagascar, but none as hard to get to as Nosy Mitiso. Typical colors for the Mafana in calm state is neon green to light green with red eye turrets, and very little barring if any at all. In display adults will fire off a solid yellow color with faint green bars. Hope this helps!