Originally posted by morph
Are you able too overfeed a T? I was under the impression that just wouldn't eat.
It depends on how you define overfeeding I guess...
You can't overfeed a tarantula to the point of it popping or killing itself... they do have an off switch eventually.
BUT... "overfeeding" can result in undesireable effects. First and foremost, the T will become obese. Apart from just looking disproportionate (I dont think it looks nice when a spider's abdomen is too large) it suffers a much higher risk of injury from a fall or any other mishap. Think of it like this... the more you inflate a balloon the easier it is to pop.
The other effect it can lead to is a spider going on what seems like a hunger strike. Arid and semi arid species (ie. G. Rosea) can go a very long time on a single meal because they have evolved to have a slow and very efficient metabolism. In the wild, meals are often few and far between so they take any opportunity they get to eat. When they have an abundant food source, as they do in captivity, they will naturally have the urge to gorge themselves.
Lets say for argument's sake that a G. Rosea can live off a single cricket for 2 months. If she has eaten 10 crickets within a month she gets full, so her body tells her not to eat anymore. Unlike us people, who after a big meal just lie back and undo our jeans for an hour or 2, the rose hair takes 20 months to burn that off (keep in mind I am using relative timelines for argument's sake).
This is part of the reason Rose hairs go on their famous "hunger strikes" that can last in excess of a year.