Collide: I was afraid she was going to eat the smaller ones in that pic. She is IMMENSE, I can't get over it.
Wuntu: You could very well be right. Stranger things have happened in my life. Now I was always under the impression that the R. spectrum had a little rostral horn and were a little bulkier in shape than the brevs, kind of like the R. temporalis. I wish my Necas book got into a little more detail about the whole Rhampholeon genus. It doesn't show well in that pic, but the three smaller ones (juvies) definately have the typical brev beard and few of them are green in colour.
Drewlowe: You don't want to know! It's embaressing.
Meow: I hope some breeding happens... I've had success before with the brevs. That's the whole point in getting a big group of them.
BigPlaya: Actually you are right. The Brookesia and Rhampholeon genus of chameleons are commonly called leaf chameleons because well, that's what they look like! They are terrestrial species and hang about in the leaf litter.
Emily: If you stop posting pics of your lovely spiders, I'll stop posting pics of my chameleons.
Scotty: No, they will never be as cute as you because they don't WEAR FLAMING PANTS!