I dont mean to argue but i just wanted to point out that the snake looks way too fake to me. The pattern doesn't even match. It is genetically impossible. I would rather like to see some proof regarding this "morph" and maybe some more pics. I know of paradox boas. But this is just ridiculous.
Here's something I copied and pasted from the web...
"If an animal has characteristics of an amelanistic albino but also has splashes of pitch-black pigmentation, then what is it? That is the nature of the paradox by this new boa constrictor morph produced by Vision Herpetological. Obviously there is a great deal yet to be learned about the genetics of pigmentation in snakes.
The history of the "Paradox" boa constrictor is worth elaborating on because it shows the kinds of
reproductive experiments that can lead to new "designer" snakes. The sire of the "Paradox" boa is a
hybrid Suriname red-tail boa x Colombian boa heterozygous for albinism (Boa constrictor constrictor
x B. c. imperator). The sire was bred with two sibling female Colombian common boas (B. c. imperator) that were heterozygous for albinism.
One female produced a litter of 16 babies, four of which ere albino. The other had a litter of 18 babies of which six were albino. Each female produced one "Paradox" boa constrictor. This suggests that a combination of two different recessive genes may be required for the expression of this trait. By raising these two female "Paradox" boas to sexual maturity and back crossing them to their father, it is hoped that the genetics of this new boa constrictor morph will be elucidated and this new morph will be established in herpetoculture."
http://www.k ingsnake.com/boamorphs/para2.jpg
http://www.k ingsnake.com/boamorphs/albino.htm
(Those are ks .com links... fix them if you want to view the pic and where I got that paragraph)
You see, the paradox boa was a cross hybrid between a Suriname red-tail boa x Colombian boa heterozygous for albinism. Plus the paradox boa has specks of black, not a blotch of pattern pasted onto the snake.
That burm just doesn't make sense!