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Old 11-07-03, 01:17 AM   #16
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Originally posted by B-Rep
Lesson learned. Sorry to hear about the sugar glider.
Ditto that.

Originally posted by Geck-co
cpt_retic,why was the cat allowed near the snake?
Eep. Yup. Whenever I'm handling any snake 5' or more, I make sure my cat is secured away in another room or in his crate. Cats and reptiles are a disasterous combination. Would never leave a snake of any size on a couch unattended either. Takes but a blink of an eye before those guys can get in the couch. I remember someone a few years back had a 12' burms stuck in their couch... was their for two weeks
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Old 11-07-03, 01:38 AM   #17
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yup i had my corn out they are vicious you should never be in the same room with these guys! i was watchingg this guy on speakers corner he had a boa and put the head of the boa near his mouth and kiss'd it so i took my snake and opened my mouth to see if he'd go in for some stoopid reason and the basterd striked my face he was stuck on my lip for a while but i sure did feel like a dumb ***
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Old 11-07-03, 04:11 AM   #18
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Sorry for your loss Sugar gliders are great....I know its hard not to get mad but....It was just doing what came natural to the tegu....Hope hes not in too much trubble....
Ps. How's the wife taking it....hope shes okay too
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Old 11-07-03, 12:52 PM   #19
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Man, not to take the situation lightly so first off my condolences about your glider.. I use to breed them, and they can surely hold their own! iam shocked the tegu even caught him/her. They're usually fast and quite loud and aggressive! I think some of my monitors would flinch when a glider really went aggressive!
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Old 11-07-03, 02:59 PM   #20
Solid Snake
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herps shouldn't be aloud to roam free...

i'd love to let my snakes out if they had a brain like a cat but they dont so they belong in tanks.

Last edited by Solid Snake; 11-07-03 at 03:02 PM..
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Old 11-08-03, 06:13 PM   #21
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12' burms stuck in their couch... was their for two weeks [/B][/QUOTE]
I had to cut the bottom side of my couch once ,to get my retic out . I don't know if i would let it stay there for 2 weeks though
( What if it crap? yeck)
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Old 11-10-03, 06:22 PM   #22
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Hey, it could happen to anyone...

I had my roughneck monitor go after my siberian chipmunk, due to my stupidity of forgetting to put his cage in another room before letting her roam around. Thankfully, she didn't actually get her jaws on the poor bugger!
Even shiny fruit may be rotten at the core.
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Old 11-16-03, 07:32 PM   #23
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Whoah,tough lesson man. Sorry to hear about the glider,they're really cute animals.
We lost a couple of day geckos to the predatory instincts of our cat. I was really upset,but my wife discouraged me from punishing the cat because it was only doing what comes natural.
Tough loss all the same.


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Brian Griffin: Yeah, about your pamphlet... uh, I'm not seeing anything about German history between 1939 and 1945. There's just a big gap.

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