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Old 10-04-03, 09:44 PM   #16
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Yeah, I don't understand all of these "he had it coming" comments. I agree with mykee--these tigers were really well taken care of, and S&F clearly knew how to do it if they'd been at it for so long. I just hope they don't euthanize the animal...if this situation somehow happened with a snake, I'm sure our concerns would be elsewhere (how would it affect the hobby, public knowledge, etc.) I'm not advocating that tigers become common pets, but I think the bottom line is the same.
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Old 10-04-03, 11:28 PM   #17
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and the bottom line is......we are dealing with "wild" animals....I think the "had it coming" comments mean simply this....if you are an entertainer doing daredevil stunts...which is what these guys were doing....there is always the chance that something may go awry....and if you don't, then I guess it wouldn't be a stunt and wouldn't be as entertaining now would it? Its a shame that someone got hurt but I feel about as sorry as I would if my parachute wouldn't take risks and sometimes there are consequences.
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Old 10-05-03, 08:07 AM   #18
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In that case, we all "have it coming" as reptile keepers since they are wild animals. Better choose your pet carefully.
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Old 10-05-03, 09:50 AM   #19
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you're right on the mark JoeB! its just a matter of time and severity!lol
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Old 10-05-03, 10:07 AM   #20
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I dont think its good that he got attacked and I think people who said that its good and "about time" are plain old stupid. How can you support someone bein' in critical condition after being attacked by his pet, his trained pet... We all have somethin' in common, all of us own wild animals. Sure, most are captive bred, but all animals have instinct, no matter what size. We all take the risk of bein' bitten, attack, jumped on ( I'm talkin' about all animals ) and some of us take a bigger risk and take in more dangerous animals or animals that can cause greater damage. So if you say " it finally happened" or somethin' about Steve Irwin bein' bit... you really dont know what you are sayin'.... if Steve Irwin wouldn't know what he was doin'... he woulda been dead by now... and he clearly states that things should be done the way he does it... Please, smarten up... Roy listed in critical condition brings joy... the hells wrong with you people...
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Old 10-05-03, 10:28 AM   #21
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Looks like everyone has their own view on this so i thought i'd throw in my $0.02!....No matter how well you train an animal no matter if its your dog or a huge tiger...they always have a wild instinct! I dont think this guy deserved to be attacked but i dont agree with having animals in shows either. I guess i see it as forcing an animal to do something it most likly doesnt want to do for someone else's pleasure. The crowds are usally huge at those shows and you have alot of talking and maybe some crying kids or screaming kids.....anything could have pis*ed off that cat IMO

Lilyskip - I think the tiger will most likly be sent to a zoo, no more shows for it. I agree though i hope they dont put him down !

Last edited by DarkHunter; 10-05-03 at 10:31 AM..
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Old 10-05-03, 10:31 AM   #22
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I hope Roy recovers. The two of them love those tigers probably even more than any of us love our herps. However, it is true what was said above - we all have it coming with our herps too. Just a matter of time. As Scales Zoo has on one of their picture displays, "There are two types of snake owners - those who have been bitten, and those who will be." Sigfreid and Roy take their chances, and they know what they are dealing with. Still, I do hope this doesn't result in the loss of TWO lives.
- Ken LePage
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