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Old 09-03-03, 05:42 PM   #16
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Congratulations Simon! That rosy is simply fantastic! Good luck with future breeding projects!

Best of luck
Sean E.
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Old 09-03-03, 06:47 PM   #17
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Congratulations! (s)he's a real looker!
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Old 09-03-03, 08:08 PM   #18
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Congrats!!! He is AWSOME!!
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Old 09-18-03, 04:35 PM   #19
Paul McCleary
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I'm "Frist's" new adopted caregiver (Woo-hoo!!!)...

It took some finagling but I managed to (gently) wrench the little fella from Simon's grip!

Earlier this summer, I procured a normal, 7-year-old female Whitewater and asked Simon that if and when his albino dropped, he'd hold a little male for me. A few days ago, I dropped in on him to check out his plethora of baby cornsnakes (completely unaware of his recent Rosy births) when he showed me the lone survivor. Despite the fact that he was almost running late for a dinner engagement, I convinced Simon to let me probe the neonate. Sure enuff, it probed as a male (Simon was far more likely to keep it if it were otherwise) and the negotiations began...

After promising Simon that I would forever work tirelessly to secure world peace (by taking the Arabs and the Israelis together to Chessington Zoo for a day) and ultimately provide humanity with irrefutable proof for the existence of God and aliens, Simon agreed to let me have him! (sucker...)

For the record (and my personal amusement), I christened him "Frist" because - when people were speculating if these were the first albino Rosys born in Canada - Simon replied, "I don't know if they are the frist albino rosy boas..."! Thus, Simon's uncertainty (and typo) are now immortalized! Besides, "Frist" has a cool ring to it...LOL

Just today, "Frist" accepted his first meal: 2 tiny, thawed pinkies served lovingly from the end of a pair of college tweezers (with the pointed tips facing away from him, of course)!

Okay, now I've gotta 2-year countdown to produce my hets. In the meantime, I'm hoping that the Holy Ghost will appear live on CNN, the government will allow the public access to its' top-secret UFO research facilities and that the Middle East becomes a family theme park...
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Old 09-19-03, 01:39 AM   #20
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Hi Paul, you didn't have to probe it. Rosies can always be sexed the day they are born by close observation of the claws. They are mobile and can be lifted with a finger nail or edge of paper. It takes a keen eye and good lighting as they are the same color as the scales but these claws are visible even in newborns and they don't exist on females.
And yes as far as I can tell Simon has produced the first albino(hypo) whitewater in Canada.

I have the Temecula coastal albinos(Limburgs) and should produce those in 05. They differ only slightly from whitewaters by being true Amels, complete with red eyes, they also get bigger to 4 foot.
Both the whitewaters and Limburgs can be a fantastic fluorescent orange...and Paul you know me and my orange! LOL

Congrats on your new acquisition
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Old 09-20-03, 08:45 AM   #21
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OOoh weee!! That's sooo awesome. Congrats on your hypo babies Simon!!

Baby rosies, always sooo cute.
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Old 09-27-03, 11:33 PM   #22
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Well actually yes Paul was able to snatch away my little baby away from me....but I have enough males...I used to have 2.2 of them but then this year one of my females just I only have 2.1 left and the adult dropped me and Canada the first albino rosy boa boy....(and phew good thing that I didn't bet with Roy or else I would of lost $20 bucks...cause he said that he can put down $20 dollars and bet that it was a he said that this year's rosies were 90% boys...geeze....) So having 3.1 albino rosy boas wouldn't do me I guess selling him to Paul (plus him promising me that he would do him really good and well even though he called me a sucker afterwards) was the best thing to do.

Man..these guys rock!
I am now trying to find myself an adult Mexican Rosy boa female cause for somewhat of a reason I really like those only if Roy would sell me an adult Mexican that would be great!!!! (Roy~~~~~~~~ Roy~~~~ Please? Pretty Please?? LOL)
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Old 09-27-03, 11:34 PM   #23
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Old 09-28-03, 01:41 AM   #24
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Simon, we'll do some horse trading perhaps.
I don't have the albino whitewaters, so put me first on your list, and I will trade you something for them.
I'm afraid I don't have any adult triv trivs that I want to sell, but I should produce loads of them next year in addition to many other types. They mature in 3 years, so its best to always grow up your own from neonates
I'll put you down for Limburg albinos in 05. Did I tell you they grow to 4 feet, a foot bigger than whitewaters! They are pure coastals, coming from Riverside county california, which yields the worlds largest rosies.
Here,Just picture this at 4 feet..
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Old 09-28-03, 03:37 AM   #25
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Yeah I was reading on them and I know that they get up to 4 feet....but 4 feet is still a good size (even though big compaired to the regular size...a feet hey most of my corns are around 5 feet so what the heck right?)

man...the more I look at them the more I want them...I better save up and get some from you in 05...better start selling some of my corns and get room for these....I should get myself a rack for corns, a rack for BRB, a rack for Rosies, a rack for leos, basically....a rack for every species of snake that I have....maybe i can put all those 14 racks in use and just make them keep adults....but where would I keep all the yearlings and more photos~ I am dying to get my hands on these~
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Old 09-28-03, 03:39 AM   #26
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oh yeah Roy,

you are already on top of my list on the albino rosy boas. You said that you wanted a pair right? So that is why I sold Paul the lone male. If I get a pair of albino rosies next year I'll be sure to contact you. (And I have to contact Ian after you cause he said that he wants them she'll drop me 4.4 of them next bad...every year she only gave 6 hatchlings....too bad that they don't produce nearly as much as the corns...(getting 40 eggs or more a
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Old 09-28-03, 11:59 AM   #27
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Yeah a pair would be fine, or trio if you're high females.
Simon..., yes you need some good rack systems to get organized but I hear you're running out of space.
What you really need is a "HOUSE" LOL

You better make room for some of these too
This is the San Mateus Rosy from the central Baja Region, found just outside the town of Felipe.
This is my all time favourite Rosy locale. I should produce my first litter next year..
Uncle Roy
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Last edited by Stockwell; 09-28-03 at 12:02 PM..
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Old 09-28-03, 04:58 PM   #28
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I am heading out to Felipe now.....bye.......those are awsome too....
but then they are looking quite like the albino rosies that I have. Just that I think the normal looking whitewaters are no where near as good looking as the albino version of the whitewaters.
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