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Old 09-04-03, 04:28 PM   #16
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Beardonicus, funny you should say that, I got rid of the mites within two days. And there was quite the large population. However this was at a LARGE cost, more time wise though. I had to throw a way 3 inches thick of substrate from a 6.5 foot glass tank. I did numerous soaks in just water, once with soap, once with listerine solution, the rest with nix. Then i filled the tank with water, yes filled it, with a nix solution, then emptied it out. SOMEHOW, there were like 15 mites left. I resorted to killing them one by one then soaking the tank again. Finally I dried it and put the snake back in with a large waterbowl. She soaked and now is mite free, thank god.

Tony: Things are great, thanks. Yourself?
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Old 09-04-03, 04:30 PM   #17
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Wow, I forgot to say thanks for all your advice. Zoe, I couldn't find on the site why soap is bad but thanks for letting me know. It was suggested to me by a few people which is why I used it.
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Old 09-07-03, 12:57 AM   #18
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Yeah I didn't write it.
Soap may not be bad, but I don't think it's good to leave goop on the snake's body. It only kills the adult mites, anyway.

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Old 09-07-03, 02:23 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Orryll
what is the full work for nix?
never had mites since on the balls.
Lol...Sorry, I just saw this & I was wondering...Who has Mites, you or the python???

Seriously, though. I have heard that the spray stuff you get for dog & cats fleas is the most effective method of getting rid of mites on a snake. I can't remember the name of the stuff but when I do, I'll post it straight up. A breeder friend of mine uses it all the time.
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Old 09-07-03, 03:32 PM   #20
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lmao me and my bad spelling and grammer!! can u belive I am in college? :P

I meant

What is the full name of nix ( I know what it is now)

never had mites on my ball pythons.
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Old 09-08-03, 07:48 AM   #21
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I have just remembered the name of the cat/dog flea spray a breeder m8 of mine uses on his reptiles. Over here, in the Uk it's called FRONTLINE. in spray form. It's the best thing for any mite.
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Old 09-08-03, 09:12 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Orryll

What is the full name of nix ( I know what it is now)
Nix is the full name.
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Old 09-08-03, 09:48 AM   #23
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I prefer Black Knight, safe and kills eggs and such, cheaper and in a larger can than Provent-a-Mite. Nix can usually be found in the Grocery store in the medical area, used to get rid of lice in children/adult's hair and supposedly safe for pets, spray and liquid I believe.
Old 09-08-03, 10:07 AM   #24
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I used Nix and was totally rid of all mites in about 2 hours. You have to dilute it quite a big (4 gallons of water to 1 little bottle of the shampoo) and mix it really well, then put it in a spray bottle. Spray the snakes (everywhere on them, including hte head) and their entire enclosure, as well as about a 5 foor radius around their enclosure (in case there are any hiding in the carpet). Make sure everything is soaked in the stuff, and don't give your snake a water dish for 24hours (so that he wont soak in it and wash off the Nix solution). The full instructions are at www. k i n g s n a k e .com/TARAS/contents/nix.doc
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Old 09-10-03, 04:59 PM   #25
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lol, I figure 1/8th bottle to 2 quarts will work as well
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Old 09-10-03, 05:31 PM   #26
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Black Knight works for me! I recently had mites in a couple of my enclosures and Black Knight did the trick. It also works great on flying insects too- had to take out a paper wasp nest in my doorway yesterday...
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