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Old 08-09-03, 12:01 PM   #16
CDN-Cresties's Avatar
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Should i just take the ground hide out? i could put it in when i upsize but i dont know if it will be big enough for him when he is larger, only a few $ anyways.
Its completly up to you, if you like the way it looks then go for it

Where in your tank do you put ur thermo? it is all one temperature anyways, so does it even matter?
I have a digital device that tells me the temp and humidity, i just place it in one of there enclosures and it does the rest. I highly recommend this sort of device because it also displays the mininim
and maxium temp and humidiy levels that day. Which can help you adjust if your levels go to high or low.

when you feed them, do you just take off the whole lid?

i dont have to worry about him escaping while i put the food in do I?
Kinda but not really. if he does get out just pick him up and put him back in.

Hope this helps

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Old 08-09-03, 07:35 PM   #17
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yep thanks...maybe i will invest in one of those digital thermos with the probes and i can use it for both my cal king and my cresties...that is if i put them beside each other (i would put cardboard so they cant see each other)..might just put the crestie on the desk

i will wait and see about the ground takes up a bit of the ground space, but if he uses it i will leave it in. if not, ill take it out.

like, i said before,. this empty cage is driving me nuts...i think that getting some mealies to start breeding will tide me over for a day or so though lol
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Old 08-10-03, 11:03 AM   #18
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I am leaving soon to go pick up my baby crestie, about 2 inches the guy said.
I just have one more question for now. Is there any sort of acclimation period for cresties, like when you get a snake, where you should just leave them alone and not feed them..i mean, i wont try to handle him till he is settled in but do i start feeding him right away like tomorrw? or do i wait 2 or 3 days first? my guess is no, but just making sure
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Old 08-10-03, 12:04 PM   #19
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Try not to handle him/her for 2 weeks, let it acclimate to its new surroundings. You can start feeding it on the night you get it. Congrats on you're new cresty good luck!!!

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