Cris, having read all of your posts, i have concludid that the reaason your snake hides so much is that his viv is way way to big for him, he should be in a much smaller cotainer in side the viv.
You have two options.. buy a 10 gallon tank and put him in that, inside his normall viv, or feed him up as quickly as possible, 3 pinkies a week is the minimum, get him on fuzzies as soon as possible
also pearl lights hurt snakes eyes, coloured bulbs (check the english spelling
) are much less stressfull for them. Red is my fav 4 corns, but at the mo i'm useing blue 4 my kings
There is no proof 2 back this bulb theory but it seems to make a big diff in my opinian. I wouldn't worry to much about it as you have a quard around your light, but your viv IS WAY TO BIG
for a 12" snake