Ok, I haven’t measured her in awhile, I tried to re-measure last night and she is over 3 ½ feet. We didn’t power feed, I honestly don’t think we underfeed either. She, along with the rest of her clutch (~12), had some weird problem where none of them would eat. She wouldn’t take food for several months, and that is from birth! Anyway, whatever it was is long over with and she eats f/t like a pro. I unfortunately have to find her a new home because I am moving to Hawaii and it’s illegal to bring snakes to the islands.
I believe I pad something near $150 for her down in FL. I am now in CT and I heard that they cost more up here. Regardless of cost I just want her to go to a good home, but I also want to be knowledgeable in a transaction. Any honest-to-goodness-I-love-burms-and-have-the-room-to-care-and-support-and-be-faithful-to-anyone’s-burm people out there? No “reptile rescuers” please.