Well folks,
This evening marked a milestone in this feeding program with the BP. After trying for three hours, of different sizes, hot heading, chicken broth, braining, bumping, mouse dancing and generally, trying my patience, I decided to do another assist feed. However, with little more then a gently opening of the mouth, she finally started chomping down on some real food. And then with enthusiasm, she just kept on going..first a mouse fuzzy, then a mouse adult and then finishing off with a rat fuzzy..she's looking better then ever and I am hoping to get her going on her own by next week. Frankly I think she just likes the attention.
. Two days ago I spent two hours pulling off a bad shed, piece by piece by piece..
The KSB on the other hand isn't looking too good and I am not holding out much hope for survival.
Well that's the update for this week
Take care