Man of Steel- just to let you know that she did not have an RI. The baytril was just a precaution. If I knew then what I know now I would have never given her the baytril. She suffered from Regure of 2 adult mice from a previous owner, he only had her for 10 days and had fed her twice. What a dumb a**. I fed her once 1 day old rat pup, and she regurged that within 12 hours. Anyway thank you for your kind words.
Ldydrgn & BurmBaroness - Thank you also for your posts. She was under 2 months. Just wish that you had posted sooner so I could have stopped the baytril. She might still be alive if not for the Baytril.
Vet Name is Brandon Barrett, Turlock CA located at Turlock Vet Community. He states that he treat only reptiles and exotics on his card.
Everyone - Thank you for all of your posts it is great to be in such a fine community like this one. All of your words are greatly appreciated. I only hope none of you go through this, nor do I want to go through this again. It is quite sad and hard on the heart knowing that I gave her something that was to help her yet it killed her. Happiness to one and all. Jamie
1.1.7 BCI'S 1999 2000(Abee & Sully(Proven)& babies)
2.1.8 Arney A Corn 2002(Maze) Normal Corn 2000(Jewel)Sunglow Corn 1999(Blaze) & Babies
Last edited by Blueeheeler; 06-26-03 at 08:12 AM..