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Old 07-03-03, 06:16 AM   #16
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hehe, very clever using the dime like that! It's unbelieveable how small and cute they are!
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Old 07-13-03, 11:26 PM   #17
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Aww, I remember when my Viper's were babies. They are all grown up now. They are quarter sized now, not dime LOL. I havn't bred them but I have heard from a breeder that Viper geckos are not as easy to breed as leos b/c they usually require some cooling and warming up to stimulate breeding but it isn't all that hard. What I like best is that they arn't territorial so two males can be in one enclosure.
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3.9 leopard geckos
0.0.2 Viper gecko (teratolepis fasciata)
1.2 AFT geckos
0.0.1 Bearded Dragon
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Old 07-13-03, 11:26 PM   #18
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Another pic
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3.9 leopard geckos
0.0.2 Viper gecko (teratolepis fasciata)
1.2 AFT geckos
0.0.1 Bearded Dragon
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Old 07-14-03, 09:08 AM   #19
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Too cute!
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Old 07-14-03, 10:09 AM   #20
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Awesome Blazin!
I wish I had a success story to tell. My first viper hatched out the day before yesterday and promptly disappeared! The deli container it was being incubated in had 3 holes in the lid for ventilation, the size of the holes in a standard piece of 3-hole punched paper (how did they climb? I didn't think they had very adhesive pads, my adults never climb). Not only did it get out of this container, but also out of the hovobator that the container was in! It also has small holes in the bottom about the diameter of a pencil. I never did see the baby (it must have hatched out at night) and I searched my herp room, but nothing! I still have 5 eggs incubating but I was pretty disappointed in losing the first. I keep hoping it might have survived and it will turn up, but at the size they are I don't think it will last long.
Anyway, I've obviously down-sized the holes in their incubating container and hopefully will have more success in the future!
Again, congrats . . . i can't wait!
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Old 07-14-03, 10:27 AM   #21
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Wow! I don't plan on breeding mine (if they are a 1.1 pair) this season but thanks for that heads up. I never thought of that, didn't think it could happen.

Sorry for that little loss, but hopefully you will gain 5 new ones and more after that.

3.9 leopard geckos
0.0.2 Viper gecko (teratolepis fasciata)
1.2 AFT geckos
0.0.1 Bearded Dragon
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