OK, I did some looking around and found the largest T's I could find. Which of these are THE LARGEST?
Hysterocrates gigas: Cameroon Red
Phormictopus cancerides: Haitian Brown Birdeater
Phormictopus atrichromatus:Red Island Birdeater
Pamphobeteus platyomma: Brazilian Pink Birdeater
Pamphobeteus vespertinus: Red Bloom Birdeater
Theraposa blondi: Goliath Birdeater
Theraphosa apophysis: Goliath pink foot
Avicularia braunshauseni: GIANT Pinktoe
Theraphosa apophysis: Goliath pink foot
Is there any super huge T's that I'm missing?
My zoo includes: 4 red tailboa, 1 ball python, 3 Tarantulas(1 usumbara, 1 mexican redknee, 1 Chilean rose hair), 1 Tokay Gecko, 2 rats, 2 mice, 5 cats, 22 madagasgar hissing cockroaches and 1 Starling. What's going to be next, nobody knows!!!!!!