The middle of nowhere...and between?
Yea, well, the middle the middle of nowhere works but please do not take the resonsiblity of keeping venomous snakes lightly as the "mistakes" made in this field are often irreversable, and get worse from there. And remember, that obtaining both methodical experience and practical experience can be difficult at the best of times. Knowledge and education is not what it seems in this "trade" and sometimes you may feel a victim to the credit card syndrome. Can't get credit without credit. Learn to walk before you run regardless of how long or difficult it is to "learn". I was very fortunate in that when my initial itch needed scratching I became friends with a very knowledgable keeper here in the Toronto area. Through Saturdays spent cleaning, feeding etc. his animals I was able to obtain some "basics" and then...well let's just say I'm still "learning" after more than 15yrs. working with these animals. Take care, good luck and feel free to "ask away". The only foolish question is the one you did not ask.
Chris @ C.H.S.