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Old 06-23-03, 01:01 PM   #16
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Trevor - question on your heater - you have it lying completely underwater - is is one that is specifically made to be submersible or is it one that says not to submerse in water? I have heard that people use the ones that have a maximum water line on them by putting them flat completely under water, but I have not gotten the courage to try that this year. If yours is a good submersible one, what brand is it?

great photos - I am also using a modification of Jeff's design, but trying it with the eggs on a rack, not in the vermiculite.

Mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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Old 06-23-03, 01:30 PM   #17
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I can't remember what brand the submersible I bought is, but I know it was a $50, 200 watt unit. It includes thermostat, so when it reaches the set temp, it shuts off. Totally worth the money - it gets the temp in the incubator right to where I want it and keeps it there.
- Ken LePage
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Old 06-24-03, 08:24 PM   #18
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If you're really lazy, you can put a tupperware container with moistened vermiculite and a few air holes (optional, or you can crack the lid every few days), and stick it in the part of your snake's enclosure that is at the right temperature. Snake won't mind, it's just another climbing structure. <g> Also helps you remember to check it, as you can crack it an check the humidity when you go in to change the water bowl.

This works if you have only a single clutch and a few animals, if you have more an incubator would be more convenient.
--Winged Wolf
Eclipse Metaphysical
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