We had a 22' - 220 lb male makasar retic make a shocking jail break in the days after we first got it home. Sheila, I, and my strongest friend entered the room to move it to it's new home.
20 minutes later, snake bagged and ready for transport, after much sweating and swearing - we all decided that that was a 5 person job.
I'd suggest adding 1 or 2 people (to the 5 people required) for an eyecap job.
That snake really "opened my eyes" to the strength that they are capable of exerting. I totally underestimated it's strength. (We had 650 lbs of people being moved around the room)
Even our tame 20' female (tame by makasar sulawesi standards)
can toss me around like a bean bag (I'm 240 lbs) when she decides to change directions while out for cage cleaning.
At least she has never offered to bite (got a few funny stories to the contrary regarding the larger male)