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Old 05-03-03, 11:26 PM   #16
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not enough wish i had more time
1.1 gtp,1.1 jcp,2.1 timor monitor,0.1 bredls,1.1 pastel boas,3.2 tristis,1.0 ball
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Old 05-05-03, 06:17 PM   #17
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I have 49 animals (excluding feeders)... half of which are reptiles... most of them are only handled for general maintenance. My tortoise doesn't get handled perse... but he does get out frequently to mosy around and whatnot, he usually follows my toes around My leos seems to have a need for it, and my iguana just loves soaking up the heat off people so she usually crawls on whoever is downstairs watching TV or sleeping and hangs out for an hour or so.
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Old 05-07-03, 06:43 AM   #18
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except the feeders i have 45 herps. It is not essential handling every animal (i mean species) every day. The spotted bush snakes get stressed easily, i handle them once per week. Same goes for the ball and the dwarf tegu. My colubrids don't have a problem and also have branches for their exercise. My crabs don't need any handling sessions but sometimes they eat from my hand. I don't handle Tarantulas since i don't like bold bellies. Leos are very tame and their terrarium is close to the sofa so they get used of my presense. I enjoy handling my burm (which now has reach 2,10 m.), my boas (i love my bcis!,probably the most common snake spp. but for me the most loveable)
The fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard...JUMP!
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Old 05-08-03, 10:25 AM   #19
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Everyone (4 snakes) get handled pretty frequently except for 2-3 days after they eat. Usually when watching tv, on the internet, or just hanging around the house cleaning up. They like to stretch and wander around. It never fails, they all try to bee-line for under the couch!
I just found homes for my 4 snake ladies: ball python, colombian boa, hogg isle boa, and a burmese. *sniff* How I miss them so...

How do I set my laser printer to 'stun'?
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Old 05-14-03, 04:19 PM   #20
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I have 3 balls and 1 corn i take them all out at 1 time and play with them
Juggalo Love
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Old 05-28-03, 03:11 AM   #21
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I have two corns who I've had since they were tiny so they are very handleable and I handle them 1 or 2 times a week
1.1 corn snakes
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