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View Poll Results: How often do you handle your herps?
Almost never. 1 2.08%
Only for general maintenance. 7 14.58%
Too many herps. Some often and some never. 6 12.50%
A few times a week. 22 45.83%
Once a day for sure. 10 20.83%
A few hours a day. 2 4.17%
Voters: 48. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-18-03, 10:40 AM   #16
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well i probly handle my burm the most just because i want him to get a good sence of me and i dont want him to lose the tame-ness he has now so i would say ever 1-2 probly every 2 days and i handle my ball about every 3-4 and i dont usaly hand me leo bacause he is recovering from being mis-cared for (by someone else i might add) and i dont generly handle my cham because she is not a big fan of it altho i do it to take her outside of nice days but ya thats about it.
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Old 04-19-03, 03:25 PM   #17
Join Date: Apr-2003
Posts: 32
I handle most of my herps in order to get them acclimated to being around people and so they won't be afraid when I clean their cages, etc. I have different handling times and techniques obviously, though. I don't handle for at least 2 days after they eat and I don't handle them during ecdysis. My leo geckos and ball python are the most tolerant of handling and seem to enjoy exploring out of their cages. My ATB and JCP are just getting used to me so they are just coming out of the nippy stage, and my viper boa doesn't get handled at all really cuz hes so small and I don't want to stress him out. My crested gecko is pretty jumpy, so I'm working on taming him down some. Rhacs sure are goofy little critters!


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