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Old 01-24-19, 03:51 PM   #16
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Originally Posted by Nubs View Post
Thank you!!! It's between a Leo and a Crestie! I don't know why,I just love both species!
Based on the little I know of the two species, crestie all day.
I had an African fire skink, he was super cool. But he unfortunately passed away after only about 6 months in my care. So I've decided to stick to what I know...snakes. hahaha
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Old 01-24-19, 09:01 PM   #17
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Definitely a snake. Maybe a garter or African house snake.

Originally Posted by Nubs View Post
And NO snakes,my mom won't let me!


But, my mom used to say the same thing, about 35 years ago. But, by the time I was 8ish, I'd talked her into letting me keep ring necks inside. If you're interested in snakes, you might want to start educating your parents on how much easier they are to keep than most lizards.

But, my more serious answer would be an African fat tailed gecko.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 01-24-19, 09:38 PM   #18
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Sorry guys. No snakes. I tried. Corns,Kenya sand boas,rough greens,nope. Legless lizards. Nope. So it's either a fire skink,crested gecko or another Leopard gecko. I like the fire skinks a LOT and even my mom thinks their pretty. What's their average lifespan? I've never had a crestie but they are really cute and pretty handlable. I have a leopard gecko and she's great. Spazzy and unpredictable,but great. I'm not afraid of being bitten,my Leo has lashed out a few times and the worst bite was like hard pinch. She's only bitten three times on purpose though. Are fire skink bites bad?
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Old 01-24-19, 10:24 PM   #19
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Leos are great! There are also african fat tailed geckos which are similar, I think. Do you like frogs? Some frogs could work as well, but of course you don't really handle them much.

If you can get a 20L or a 10, get the 20L. I think that would be a good size for a leopard gecko. I personally have a 20L turned vertical, and my crested gecko seems content in there for now. I have lots and lots of vines and plants to keep him comfy in there.

If you decide to go with the 10 gallon, do you like bugs? There are some neat bugs that make interesting and fun pets as well. walking sticks, praying mantises, giant hissing cockroaches, millipedes, tarantulas....the list goes on

Whatever you decide on, have fun! Herps are a great hobby that you can keep doing for life.
3 corn snakes, apricot pueblan milk snake, spotted python, cal king, florida king, albino san diego gopher, kenyan sand boa
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Old 01-25-19, 07:18 AM   #20
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

In not allowed tarantulas or cockroaches or anything "creepy" like that. I do like amphibians,I have a blue spotted salamander and one red eft newt at the moment. I really like pacman frogs,but I'm worried I'll get one and then regret it because they don't do anything. Do you guys enjoy your pacman frogs,if you have any? Salamanders are adorable and I LOVE them! Tigers,fires,red backs,caves,marbled,and the list goes on... I want a pacman frog,but the above is the issue. Ugh.
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Old 01-25-19, 07:24 AM   #21
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

What about long tailed grass lizards? I like those a lot. How many could i keep in a 20L?
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Old 01-25-19, 01:45 PM   #22
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Originally Posted by Nubs View Post
Are you sure? My single Leo is in a 20L and I've researched many other lizards and geckos that are fine in a 10 or 20L! I was just seeing what you guys recommend. Any other recommendations? Thanks!
Are you sure you're not confusing liters with gallons? 20L is 5 US gallons which is a very small tank. Many people will keep lizards in 10g tanks but not adults in 5.
1.0 Fire Ball Python (Mushu) 1.0 BCI (Banzai) 0.1 Jaguar Carpet Python (Ono) 1.0 SD Retic (Kaa) 0.1 1.0 Amazon Tree Boa (curly fry - unofficial) black and white cat (Nahla)
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Old 01-25-19, 02:26 PM   #23
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

No. It's a 20L as in a 20 gallon Long tank. 30x12x12. 30 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches.
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Old 01-25-19, 02:45 PM   #24
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Originally Posted by Nubs View Post
No. It's a 20L as in a 20 gallon Long tank. 30x12x12. 30 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches.
Oh I thought you meant a 20 liter tank. A crested would be okay in one if turned on end.
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Old 01-25-19, 04:00 PM   #25
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

I should have noticed that error though! I never use anything besides gallons and have no idea what anything is in liters! 😂 I think I may get a pacman frog.... There are THREE at my closest petco and all of them are 4-5 inches in diameter,and they have been there SO long that they where $40 and now they are down to $6! Poor guys. I kind of want to start with a tiny baby though....(Feels guilty&#128563 There are always crickets crawling all over them..... I've wanted a pacman for SO long,but have always ended up getting something else. I think it might be time to take the plunge! I would love to be able to feed it pinkys,earthworms,super worms(with crushed heads),and everything else! How long would a 17x9 inch enclosure last a quarter sized baby? Eeee! Gets way too excited!😃😃😃
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Old 01-25-19, 04:02 PM   #26
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

I don't have any frog experience. I'm mostly a snake guy.

Just an FYI a male hognose would fit just fine in a 20 long. Hardly notice a little worm burrowing under the bedding.
1.0 Fire Ball Python (Mushu) 1.0 BCI (Banzai) 0.1 Jaguar Carpet Python (Ono) 1.0 SD Retic (Kaa) 0.1 1.0 Amazon Tree Boa (curly fry - unofficial) black and white cat (Nahla)
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Old 01-25-19, 05:22 PM   #27
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

I wouldn't use a 20 long for an adult crestie. It's too short in it's normal orientation and too narrow if set on end. If you want to use a repurposed aquarium, a standard 20 would seem a better choice. A baby would be fine in a 10 for a little while but not that long.
1.0 Brooks kingsnake-Argyle 0.0.1 Russian rat snake-Helios 0.0.1 Gargoyle gecko-Bradley 0.0.1 Pink tongue skink-Tres
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Old 01-25-19, 06:13 PM   #28
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Sigh... I WISH I could get a snake. They are SO awesome but I'm positive my Mom won't let me. One time last year or two years ago a little northern red bellied snake climbed up our laundry tub drain. At the same time,I had one in a plastic terrarium outside on our porch. Don't worry it was nice out and I would put half in the sun in the morning and it was in the shade the rest of the time. Anyway,my mom had JUST left like ten minutes ago to go grocery shopping when my older brother came and got me. He seemed... Un-amused about something. Anyway he brings me to the laundry tub and says: "Why did you put your snake in the laundry tub?" I said I didn't and SHOWED him my snake chilling in my terrarium. Ha ha, take that bro! So I went and took the little guy out of the laundry tub and have him some fresh water and an earthworm in a spare terrarium.(poor guy smelled like soap) My mom came home and was SUPER freaked that a snake has been in her house. She seriously said she was going to burn the house down. She was soooo grossed out. Honestly I was the only person in my family of seven who wasn't disturbed or grossed out by the news! Ha ha!!! I wish I could just get ONE snake... And then there where twenty! Ha ha,I wish! What's the least snake like snake? One that might seem "ok" to my mom? A cutesy one? All snakes are adorable,but one that would appeal to my mom? And then there was a way!
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Old 01-26-19, 09:42 AM   #29
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

I'm getting one of the following:Crested gecko,leopard gecko,fire skink,pacman frog,marbled salamander or any type of salamander and maybe some type of snake if my mom approves? So far too pick is pacman frog! We will see how many more times I change my mind!😂
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Old 01-26-19, 08:30 PM   #30
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Re: 20 long and 10!!!

Show her some cute hognose videos. Women seem to love hognose snakes.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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