Re: Baron's racer questions
Originally Posted by TRD
I had a better reference by Fry about a whole series of front and rear fanged snakes where it was easy to compare the different venoms and their toxicity but I seemed to have not saved it in my bookmarks (crap because that was a nice link), but here's another one by specifically on the baroni from 2016;
I'll check on this grooved vs non-grooved thing, I was in the understanding they weren't grooved... if they are I stand corrected.
Thank you!
About the grooves – if the pictures are correctly labeled (which I assume is the fact) then the grooves are clearly visible.
From personal experience the snakes I keep are still not large enough to bring their fangs into play as long as you don’t give them time to chew on you. If they might grow to a size as I have seen in the Frankfurt Zoo of something about 180 cm (6 ft.) this might dramatically change and I will treat them as potential dangerous, I don’t want to check their toxicity in a self test…
1,0 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, 1,2 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, 1,2 Philodryas baroni, 1,2 Spilotes pullatus, 2,1 Spilotes sulphureus, 0,1 Gonyosoma boulengeri, 1,1 Zamenis longissimus, 0,1 Malpolon sp., 1,1 Malpolon monspessulanus