Originally Posted by sirtalis
Just wondering... where did you go to spend $100, at most pet stores all the necessary supplies would be less $70 including the tank. For future help, many reptile specialty stores are wayyy cheaper than petsmart or petco, I got a 20 gallon long with a lid for $30 when i checked petsmart it would have cost me like $70
Not sure where you live but the stores around here are out of this world lol.
And the only reptile special stores I would guess would be like in the bigger cities. Like Chicago in IL. But out here in the middle of corn field country, nope, expensive.
Not sure where they live but if they are in an area like mine they didn't do to bad lolol. I try to look online and see if the stores will match it. IF not I pay full price.
All we have are like the petco/petsmart stores. Alas we have to pay the price