Originally Posted by SoPhilly
Huh. This kitty crumble looks pretty good, actually. It's coco husk. It should hold moisture well. Do you have it set up already? If you cover the screen top, wait a few hours and then measure the humidity - my guess is you'll be fine or close to it. Mist as needed if it's low. Make sure you have a digital hygrometer - those analog stick-on dials ar pretty worthless.
Btw, Black eyed lucys are maybe my favorite bp morph - so cool. Jealous!
Yes, I'm noticing a difference now. What should the humidity be on the warm side, the cool side? I know between 50&70degrees, but hm.
Thank you! I need to put a picture up soon. She's still adjusting, so I haven't seen her prowling around very much.
Do you know of a good brand hygrometer?
I have this atm ---> Zoo Med Economy Analog Dual Thermometer and Humidity Gauge