Re: Elemental Exotic's newest additions. Box turtles.
To answer your question about the local laws of picking up and/or relocating Box Turtles in Georgia. The DNR representative responded to my inquiry with good information about Box Turtles and advice on the laws here in Georgia. As a protected species, it is unlawful to have a Box Turtle in your possession. If we see a Box Turtle on the road, it would be okay to move it across the road in the direction it is headed. It is however, against the law to relocated them since to do so would require having the animal in our possession. It seems that Box Turtles have a very strong site fidelity in that they will try to return to their original range and quite often get killed in doing so if there are many roads to cross along the way. So far, we have never seen any killed in the area we released them, but I will respect both the law and the site fidelity of the turtle from now on and only move them across the road in the direction that they are headed. Thanks again for recommending that I check with the local laws. It would have been a real pain in the butt to get a ticket or even arrested trying to do the right thing. I understand the need for the laws and will honor them and continue to try to help these beautiful animals whenever we can.