My ATB Picture Thread
I got a yellow ATB over the weekend which I am very excited about. I think these snakes are beautiful and menacing at the same time. At the reptile shop he pooped, struck at and bit the guy working there and has struck at me multiple times while setting up his enclosure. Today I was bit twice just rearranging first snake bite I might add!!! Anyway here are some poor quality pics...
0.1 Corn Snake~(Boas)1.0 Het Albino, 0.1 Sonoran Leopard, 0.1 Het Leopard, 1.0 Hypo Jungle het Leopard, 0.1 Sharp Sunglow, 1.0 t+ Central Motley, 1.0.2 Amazon Tree Boas~(Carpets)0.1 IJ Jag, 0.1 zebra jungle~(Garters)1.0 Neon Cali red sided, 1.0 checkered