Re: New snake day!!!
Originally Posted by Sublimeballs
I will be keeping atleast one male and a few females for my collection. And the rest will be sold/ traded to people I feel are responsible/experienced enough to keep them.
If you're interested let me know, funny enough I've already got some people that want baby jamps and kalatoas; Even after I told them I'm at minimum 3-4 years out for a clutch of kalatoas, and hopefully 1 year out for jamps. I'm not even the one counting my chickens before they are laid. Lol.
Yes I may be interested in a male if you have one. Keep me in mind.
0.1 Blood Python, 0.1 Pastel Ball Python, 1.0 Yellow Belly Ball Python, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.1 Kenyan Sand Boa, 0.1 Lavender Reticulated Python
0.0.1 P. platyomma, 0.0.1 B. albopilosum, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.0.1 B. vagans, 0.0.1 G. pulchra, 0.1 A. versicolor, 0.1 N. chromatus, 0.1 G. pulchripes