Originally Posted by smy_749
Roman, your enclosure is exceptional. We can only dream for something similar hahaha I would go with the tiger as well.
Thanks smy...
Spilotes is my favorite snake, but I would not recommend it for someone who has no experience with any large Colubrids. It’s a huge difference between an ambush hunter like most small or medium sized boas or pythons and an active hunting Colubrid.
Both of my males are active for hours every day with the exception of maybe two or three days after feeding or a week before shedding. But they will show their behavior only if they have enough room. When I got my first male he was about 180 cm (6 ft) long. I had only my (then empty) Gonyosoma enclosure which was too small for him to keep him there for a longer period. I was planning my new enclosure at that time and the plan was to keep him for two or three month in that smaller enclosure until the new one would be finished. In the end it took 6 month to get the new enclosure, so I think I can assess the different behavior in the two enclosures.
The external conditions were the same, temperature, humidity, heating lamp, feeding schedule etc. were the same. In the smaller enclosure he was moving from the top branches sometimes to the ground and back again, but most of the time he would rest in the top of the enclosure. When he finally got to the larger enclosure he stayed hidden for a month, but then he was constantly moving around for hours and this behavior is still the same. So Spilotes will show his activity only if you can provide enough room.
The same is true for Gonyosoma, but here the room to inspire them is naturally smaller because the snake itself is smaller.
So if you have some experience with Colubrids it is a matter of available space, if not it might be better to start with Gonyosoma, they might be easier to handle as a large Spilotes.