Originally Posted by Mikoh4792
Aren't there dedicated breeders of "pure" lines in the UK as well? I know many big name breeders here in the US get some stock from europe from time to time.
there are folk who keep pure, but the lineage info in the UK is usually sketchy at best imo
that said,there are a small amount of private keepers with good lineage info,butusually they are very private people,when it comes to telling where their lines originated,due to being illegally exported back in the day
i know of one elderly gentleman, who has imo the only PURE Normal Darwins in the UK,he has had Darwins for decades,but will not reveal how he aquired them,unless your a very close friend of his...
i have no reason to doubt this gentleman, as he is one of the oldest,well known,and a very respected keeper here in the UK
re Europe
imo there is better lineage info from Europe, as they have legally and some would say sometimes illegally aquired Morelia straight from Australia (i have no proof of illegal activity)
it has been illegal to export reptiles from oz since 1982,so lineage info is hard to work out for the best part imo
cheers shaun