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Old 06-10-04, 08:35 AM   #16
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I have ben E-Mailed several times about the facket that I have the list of Legale herps up so what who cares if you dont like the list you see help me change it done piss and moan about houw it is a Pain in the rear. DOOOO somthing about it you all wana be big breeders you all wana have nice animals but will do nothing to fight for the right to keep them.

What I am saying is when S#!T hits the fan is you will have alot more then that list to worry about. think about it it is legal to sell any animal but we can not own any animal what happends to the new bies that will be bying baby burms and baby retic's that runs the risk of a Provincial reptile ban. Now do you guys want that..
I did not think so.

So I would apreciat if you dont have any productive Ideas dont E-Mail me cause the next one I get will be posted here just so I can share all the wounderfull Ideas I have been geting *Sacartistic*
And No I am not a law enforcer and I am not pretending or acting like one. I am trying to gather a group of ppl withing My city and Province. Now if ppl have a difrent view on it share it here so the ppl here can see your real colours.
well once again to all the ppl that suport My actions Thanx for you suport and Ideas I will be geting back to you soon.
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Old 06-10-04, 09:03 AM   #17
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I have np sharing my view so people can see my colours. I think Your a young fella with good idea's but a poor way of going about things. This whole by-law thing has been an issue for years.... just not enforced. In my opinion I think there should be an organization where reptiles brought in and out of the province would go directly through them. Having experienced people monitoring who has what and how it is being kept will hold alot more weight with natural resources rather then just having a herp club. It would cut down on people having retiles out there just for show or to get attention. I'm not saying that it would stop all the problems... but it would cut down on the amount idiots owning reptiles. Anyone in the province that did have a reptile without going through this organization would run the chance of having there animal taken away. Putting a list up of legal reptiles that are allowed in the province..... Not your brightest idea. How old are you and how many years have you been keeping herps RepiZone?
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Old 06-10-04, 09:15 AM   #18
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I am 21 and have ben doing this for 10 years I have been the curator of Reptile Ocean Zoo un officialy at the age of 18 I have worked In some large reptile dealers in Montreal and so on. I presently do volunteer work with Marshell Reptiles when I have the free time to go up and spend time with Chris.

Oh ya I Just got of the Phone With burnie at Megnetic Hill Zoo (Reptile Curator) I am meeting up with him some time early next week. Maby I went around doing some of these things wrong but I want ppl to see just how serious this can be if this blows up.
Burnie Gave me some home work to do I need to make some contacts In Nova scotia and see what is the next step that needs to be taken.
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Old 06-10-04, 01:53 PM   #19
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The Nova Scotia herp society has a web site, just do a search and you'll find it.
One thing in a democracy that doesn't fly is the abrasive attitude that you have taken here in that last post. My suggestion is get everyone who is really seriouse together in the same room. I'm plaining on hosting the next herp meet and greet for our area at my home some time soon after school ends for the year. That may be a good place to start. Further more what is your vision? What perpose should an official society serve? Who will write the constitution? Will there be dues? When is the AGM? Who amoung us have experience chairing meetings and running provincial based clubs?
Marc like Leon I believe your heart is in the right place but I think we are a long way off from petitioning the goverment for any changes.
As for the list and the poop hitting the fan, like I said before they know we have these animals and they know we bring stuff in and send stuff out. Sometimes the quite approach to things is the best approach. Tread littly and take your time. Once we are organized and official and have many credible members, proffesionals from all walks of life then we will be taken seriously then we can worry about changing laws that aren't really affecting us anyway.
I'll be visiting Bernie tomorrow.
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Old 06-10-04, 02:31 PM   #20
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Marc, I'm glad you found that information helpful, but if you wouldn’t mind maybe you could remove it from this post and just pm those interested the link? Like some people have pointed out, although the list is VERY outdated it is still in fact a valid list. And the fact you could go years owning herps without even knowing about it should prove something. Just think if somebody in the city who is terrified of snakes stumbles across the list? And begins too complain it could end your fight before you even get a chance too start it. Some things are buried for a reason.

I would like too see the list changed though. but it is very unlikely. It's not like you can just demand it. You would have too have the right people and enough of them on your side too change it.

You do have some good ideas though, maybe you should work on one thing at a time, first work on getting a Moncton herp club, then possibly once you have that properly up and running, try too get something provincial going. You have too establish yourself or I should say your society before anybody will even consider listing too you.

For now Keep me updated on what’s going on with it, I will help in any way I can. but don’t try too bite off more then you can chew right away. Good things take time. And if you would please consider removing the list, maybe just replace it with a message saying,

"Many common reptiles owned by private collectors and being sold too the public by pet stores do in fact require permits too own in New Brunswick. These animals are being sold too the public without mention too there legal status simply because our provinces list is in urgent need of updating. Some of the most common reptiles in the pet trade today still require permits that nobody has even been informed about. "

As well , if you are seriously considering getting something done about that list (which I do not suggest right at this moment) Try too make contact with other exotic animal owners, Such as Bird owners, If you noticed the list is not reptile specific , ALL exotic animal lists are very outdated. Maybe that’s a way of getting more support.

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Old 06-10-04, 02:38 PM   #21
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Well said Devon. Be diplomatic Marc. As you can see, it is bothering people to see it posted on a public form. If want people to be happy and want to join this organization, you have to be smart about it. Delete it please.

Trevor: I think you should delete the entire thread. Not as offensive to Marc though. So we can do this discussion with the right goals in mind.

Marc: If you are not willing to listen to a simple and logical request as this. How are you going to keep a group together?


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Old 06-10-04, 02:57 PM   #22
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Very very well said Devon. There's no doubt in my mind you would be a great addition to a NB herp society.
Brian at this point I would say the thread is going in a positive direction and we can start to set goals.
For starters I believe step one is a face to face meeting for all those interested in forming a society so we can talk about what we want our society to be and how we are going to run it. I've offered to hold the next meet and greet and I think this would be a great time to get started. Or perhapse for a meet and greet with an agenda maybe a central location like Moncton.
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Old 06-10-04, 03:22 PM   #23
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Sorry guys I did not feel nor did I mean to comme off abraisevly or harsh.

I also feel that who needed to see the list has seen it and that is enugh for me. so it has ben removed

Thank you verry Much Trevor for you Advice and on going suport.

Devon we need to meet up my Friend I think we can get a few things down on paper and set a few goals (realistic goals) I can introduce you to the rest of the crew that Share the vision. PM me and we will set it up.

I am pleased to inform you all that I has just at the Zoo today had a chance to chat wit Burnie and he is backing the Idea up fully. well with that said I hope to continue to see Ideas flowing in the thread.

And as far as needing a central lacation to meet at My door is alwase opend let me know what you think guys. all we need to do now is get together and figure stuff out.
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Old 06-10-04, 03:40 PM   #24
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Excellent explanation Devon.... I think we just found our spokesman. LOL
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Old 06-10-04, 04:01 PM   #25
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Hi, although This Idea may cause problems for some (including myself ) I would like too point out a few ideas about the that "list". Of course the idea is futuristic, but I’ll put it out there any way.

Ok, I’ve reworded this a few times, ill first state I’m going too use the example of a "large retic killing a child" just because its a common "worry" of people who fear reptiles. And I will be referring too the owner of this animal as "Jon Smith".

Now as it stands now the worry seems too be that "Jon Smith" picks up a cute little retic from a pet store and it grows up, "Jon smith " ditches it just outside of town, and it kills a small child. The result would be turning the public eye on our hobby in a very negative way. Possibly causing the government too crackdown, and worst case all hobbyists lose there animals. That are not on the "list".

Now the first idea is too update the "list", so lets say that occurs, we could still end up in the same mess, "Jon Smith" now completely legally picks up a retic, it grows up he ditches it outside of town, and a child gets killed. The result yet again will be the public eye turning too our hobby in a Very negative way. The government sees something must be done, changes the list because a child was killed and we yet again are cracked down on.

The idea I have been pondering with for a while is a proper council being set up of knowledgeable and recognized members in reptile community and who reside in N.B. And have these people revise a list of reptiles, which they all agree, are animals, which can be sold from pet stores too any body who walks in. Simply because if all reptile species required permits it would be too much too handle.

Then all other animals not listed would require a permit too own, as well as an interview with the owner before he purchase a new species (not too be confused with a new animal, for example "Jon Smith" could get approved too own a Boa, and receive a permit for this. and could pick up 2 more boas (simply informing the council he is doing so for records), but could not go pick up a retic , saying he has a permit without first scheduling an interview with one of the council members too access his capability of caring for that species.

This works in a few ways first off "Jon Smith" cannot get the retic unless a council member agrees he is capable of owning it. Also there would be a fairly detailed list of who owns which species and how many, so if a retic turns up after killing a child, and there is a public outcry we can in fact say either "the owner was not legally keeping the snake" and can be dealt with or if in fact he was a legal owner, the council could publicly and honestly say very few people are permitted too own these animals, have a list of who owns what and can tell if ones “missing”, and the public would feel safe knowing, "Jon smith " no longer owns the species. And those few who do have been approved as capable of doing so.

Some glitches in the plan would be. The council would have too be volunteer, too allow the permits too be free of cost, anything that costs will have people trying too avoid it. It would also have to be backed by the government so as too insure pet stores, are not selling the animals too people without permits and that none are being shipped in without it's it being recorded. I'm reading that over and thinking too myself that’s very strict, but for some animals maybe that’s what needs too be done. I know I would have no problem picking up permits for my animals. I would think the registry should be confidential accessed only when a problem occurs and they have too be, so that not just anybody can have access too lists of what’s in other collections. And also there would still be plenty of species that don’t involve the hassle of permits, but those seriously interested in others shouldn’t mind picking up the proper permit.
So basically first organize it, then crack down too put some order into a normally "secretive" hobby, once there are regulations in place people can be much more public without having too worry, and it could be Very educational for everyone.

Sounds great in theory doesn't it lol, still let me know what you think. Of course that’s just a rundown of what I think an ideal system would be, Like a good long-term goal. But I am sure there are many things I did not think of, I would love too hear every bodies thoughts on it, just too know what everybody thinks.


Last edited by lostwithin; 06-10-04 at 07:24 PM..
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Old 06-10-04, 07:22 PM   #26
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Excetent theory looks like we are on the same page as well as alot of My friends and colleags.

Here is where we all have the road block "Who" Who gets deamed resposible enugh to make the apropriat judgement calls and WHO is willing to put there neck on the line and put there name on a pice of paper and certify that John smith is ready.

But as you said that is a futuristic Goal But a Darn good one to be puting forth and starting to work out the loose ends and fill in the positions.

Who knows if this sociaty kicks off it may be easyer then we think to pull all this together at this point I just wana see who will MAn up or woman up and make the sacrifice to meet at a certin place once maby twise a Month then the group as a whole can make the right steps and not be counter productive.

Once again Devon Thank you for you contribution
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
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Old 06-10-04, 07:59 PM   #27
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Thanks for removing.
Now for the current issue.

It sounds good to have a meeting every month or even twice a month but to be realistic, i don't think anyone can make a commitment for that much. A day each month should be considered. i.e. First Saturday or Sunday of every month or second month. That way, dates dont have to be remembered but the set day is easily remembered. I know i couldn't commit to more than once a month.
Just a first thought.


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Old 08-02-04, 12:31 PM   #28
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I am interested. I am in Amherst, NS I am closer to Moncton than the larger areas of NS.
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Old 08-02-04, 04:41 PM   #29
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NS already has a very well established society. Neil Meister is the president.
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Old 04-18-05, 07:45 AM   #30
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omg a herp society in MONCTON!! where can i sign up!?
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