What to do in case of power outage
Power is out city wide in my area due to an apocalyptic wind storm. 911 is not responding to calls due to high volume and the city has requested to only can emergency services if it's life or death. The power company can't handle the volume of phone calls either. On my way home I saw a transformer lighting up with electricity and a few downed trees. Nearly everything is closed. Generators are sold out.
Fortunately I was home when the power went out after a loud crushing sound and I moved all my snakes into the. best insulated room and shut the doors to it. I am currently heating the room with large candles (its keeping the room at 73) and I bought a kerosene heater from home depot before its generators went out. It's really bad here.
Anyone have suggestions on keeping the snakes warm? It is expected that the power outage will be prolonged.
4.6 Rosy Boas | 1.1 Kenyan Sand Boas | 1.0 Honduran Milk Snake | 0.1 Taiwan Beauty Snake | 1.1 Green Anacondas | 1.1 Retics | 1.0 BCI | 1.0 Ball Python | 1.0 Eryx johnii