Re: Advice with GRASS PLZ!
Its probably an issue with either lighting or nutrients or both. Is there UV lighting in the enclosure? Also If I remember correctly miracle grow is non toxic for them another great option for fertilizer is turtle water. Its very high in nitrates. I use it on the plants in my terrariums and they grow like crazy (with assistance of UVB lighting). alternatively you could always lay down a roll of sod...
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an