Apparently some Monitors can count (The Biology of Varanid Lizards - King/Green) - thats not something I expected to come across, I assumed they would be less intelligent than say Crows, but perhaps not? Crows are extremely intelligent of course
Anyone here tried any of the standard tests for intelligence on their varanids? lab testing and real world testing can throw up diffrent results, be interesting to hear how intelligent peoples monitors are
Lots of animal intelligence tests can be found around the web, tests for birds are a good place to start probably, test for dogs and cats may be pushing it a bit...although i'm pretty sure I have never owned a cat that could count lol
Also found notes on cooperation between individual monitors, working together to gain access to a food source in quite complex ways (one leads away female croc from nest, other one digs up nest while coast is clear) - any cohab monitors out there doing interesting things?