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Old 02-20-13, 12:03 PM   #1
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Put up or shut up.

Let's see everyone's cages and if you have a snake room pictures of it to. This is not directed at anyone, but every one. People keep talking about creditably. I say instead of just that one person posting pictures of their set up i think every one should if they want to be takin seriously. There are a few on here who always post the same old pictures. Let's see new pictures. To make sure they are new hold a piece of paper or set one in the pictures with the date written on it.

In other words i am calling out everybody. Breeders this is your chance to prove you "practice what you preach". Newbies with a snake or two this doesn't apply to you. This is for the people with multiple snakes that are always giving advice. Back up how you keep your snakes if you want to be taking seriously. If you can't post pictures then maybe you shouldn't be giving advice as for all we know your lying about how you have your stuff set up.

I am not defending anyone, I am just saying if you want others to show proof lets see yours.

I'll start. this is my snake room.

Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 02-20-13, 12:10 PM   #2
Non Carborundum Illegitimi
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Havent got a more recent pic than this, but can rectify if needed

This was When we still had the lizards in their too small viv

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Old 02-20-13, 12:17 PM   #3
Mark Taylor
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Re: Put up or shut up.

What a **** hole.

lol I was only joking mate. You look angry and if I lived anywhere near, you would be my best friend lol.

I just couldn't resist lmfa writing this.

I posted pics of my set ups last week but I wouldn't call myself a big breeder I only have 4 boa's.

I know what you mean about posting the pics.
1.2.22 Bci's 1.0 Corn 1.0 Burm
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Old 02-20-13, 12:19 PM   #4
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Re: Put up or shut up.

I don't have many but this is my lot... Top left is the gargoyle, below is the male bci, below that is the brb... To the right is my cb12 bci...

Edit- incase anyone wonders what's in the small rub on the bottom right, they're dubias.
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Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 02-20-13, 12:34 PM   #5
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Re: Put up or shut up.

I told everyone I keep my snakes in a rack system. Here it is. Sorry for the poor lighting of my cell phone camera. I'm in the process of upgrading my racks. It's getting old.

So everyone knows what I keep my animals in I added two pics of snakes in tubs.

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Old 02-20-13, 12:51 PM   #6
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Here is my set up.. it's temporarily in my bedroom.. Soon it will be in its own room.

This is Blitz my GTPs set up..

The bottom viv in this stack is divided in the middle, it houses 2 royals. The viv on top of that is also divided in the middle and that houses a corn on one half and a boa on the other. Once the boa gets larger he will get his own 4ft viv. On top of that are my 2 gargoyle geckos.

Our Bts is in my sons room but I have no pics of that.. just in a standard 40 gallon breeder right now but will soon have a custom built cage. I will post pics once we do the upgrade.
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Old 02-20-13, 02:54 PM   #7
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
I told everyone I keep my snakes in a rack system. Here it is. Sorry for the poor lighting of my cell phone camera. I'm in the process of upgrading my racks. It's getting old.

So everyone knows what I keep my animals in I added two pics of snakes in tubs.

Sorry Aaron thats just not going to cut it!! Where is the paper showing the date??

Also the pic is too clear!

A few critters...
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Old 02-20-13, 03:01 PM   #8
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Re: Put up or shut up.

OK Chuck, I'll put up.

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Old 02-20-13, 03:03 PM   #9
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Here are the rest of the pictures.

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Old 02-20-13, 03:14 PM   #10
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Oh.. I love the idea of using lattice.. My corn would love that to climb on.
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Old 02-20-13, 03:46 PM   #11
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Re: Put up or shut up.

I dont care about proving anything, but this is actually kind of fun to see. I drooled a bit while I was looking at yours, Jerry.

Here are a few I took with my phone just now...

And a few close ups...

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Old 02-20-13, 03:52 PM   #12
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Re: Put up or shut up.

not really as nice as everyone elses, but ill throw mine up.....

finished cages, obviously not ready for the snake to go in, but just got finished and wanted a pic

rack for my babies

another cage, before locks...(actually never got good lock on them)

snake room being built...

well that is it for now, i did just build a new rack... its no where as awesome as evreyone's elses' but i hope this counts as "putting up"

by the way, everything was built by me and awesome idea of a thread!
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Old 02-20-13, 04:04 PM   #13
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Put up or shut up.

I refuse to do this based on principle.
I have made my snake room my kids game room so forgive the projector setup

My breeding pair of carpets

My jag

My "I wish they were breading" boad on the bottom with my goins kung and day gecko on top

My royal on the bottom with my gopher in the middle and the top left to right is a 10 month old jcp a leopard gecko then another little jcp.

I'm at work now and realized I forgort to snap one of my beardies.
0.1 BCI 1.1.2 Jungle Carpet Pythons 1.0 Jungle Jag 1.0 Goins King Snake 0.1 Leopard Gecko 0.1 Albino Gopher Snake 1.0 Pastel Ball Python
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Old 02-20-13, 04:17 PM   #14
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Here's a few of mine

I have a couple in quarantine RUB'S in other rooms but no pictures

and some of the future homes I need to finish kitting out.......... (please ignore the trainer it was for a size reference)

And just to show I treat all of my family fairly and house them the same
1.1 Corns (Anery Stripe, Amel) 1.0 Rootbeer 0.2 Jungle Carpet Python 0.1 Caramel Coastal Carpet Python 1.0 Zebra Jungle Carpet Python 1.0 50% Diamond Zebra Carpet Python
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Old 02-20-13, 04:40 PM   #15
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Re: Put up or shut up.

Originally Posted by Mark Taylor View Post
What a **** hole.

lol I was only joking mate. You look angry and if I lived anywhere near, you would be my best friend lol.

I just couldn't resist lmfa writing this.

I posted pics of my set ups last week but I wouldn't call myself a big breeder I only have 4 boa's.

I know what you mean about posting the pics.
Lmao i was in Walmart shopping when i read this and started laughing out loud. I got quite a few fun looks.

Nice to see everybody's set ups and snakes rooms. Hope to see many, many more.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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