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Old 02-10-03, 12:09 PM   #1
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An apparent threat to the empire

I want to start out by making it clear that I am not whining in this thread... I am making my point clear.

I would like to know when the herp hobby became a dictatorship instead of a fellowship. One person (who shall be known as Mr. X) seems to think the entire hobby is his alone to own and control.

A show in Ottawa has been booked and money has been spent to make it so. Approximately one month after the show was announced to the public, a show in Toronto magically popped up slated for the very next day. Coincidence?

I booked that day on purpose for the sole reason of not wanting to be direct "competition" for either the port credit or St. Jacob's shows. April was the only open month in the spring. Apparently the same courtesy isn't a standard amongst others.

Placing a show in Toronto the day after the show in Ottawa Going out of one's way to hold down the hobby for one's own personal gain is not only dirty, it is down right crooked. Mr X apparently does not realize that he is not the only person in the world and that he doesn't rule the herp hobby as much as he would like to believe he does.

In a world where herpers are seen as freaks and wierdos by the masses, (masses that don't understand the animals we all love and cherish), we really need to be standing together and helping each other rather than hindering one another for personal gain. Ottawa is in turmoil over the new proposed bylaws and a big showing here would have gotten us leaps and bounds to creating awareness and education in the public eye.

Its a shame that Mr X seems to be a little bit sour that someone did more than just TALK about a show in Ottawa, because all he is going to accomplish is making 2 half *** shows in a weekend instead of 2 great shows in different months. This serves to do nothing more than limit the growth of a great hobby. CONGRATS MR X I am sure you are really proud.

Despite the best efforts of others, the show WILL go on in Ottawa as planned.
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Old 02-10-03, 08:14 PM   #2
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After speaking with Mr X on the phone, it has been agreed that he is moving his show to March 30 on the basis of me placing this ammendment.

In his defence... he claims he did not know about my show and was not intentionally trying to throw a wrench in mine.

Hopefully this is all laid to rest now and we can all continue on as happy herpers.
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Old 02-10-03, 08:21 PM   #3
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Woohoo! Glad the fog in the air has been cleared... Can't wait for the ottawa show!

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Old 02-10-03, 08:25 PM   #4
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In defence of the chosen date... It was also done on this date origionally because we could get the legion the night before and we were going to have a anniversary party which we have had to cancel. We wont be able to do the party untill the fall if we are going to have it at the location on the show and the show the following day. So there was actually alot more involved then what Grant was accused of in the origional thread. It was changed FOR YOU and I had to cancel the anniversary party aswell. So i am hoping it wasnt in vain and that by doing so it helps in the fight against the Bi Laws in your area and benefit the hobby for everyone. is offline  
Old 02-10-03, 08:31 PM   #5
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And Thats That

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Old 02-10-03, 08:33 PM   #6
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Lol common guys, you can't just immediately claim he was trying to throw off your show. I mean Grant is a really good guy, and being responsible for changing the bylaws in many areas around the GTA I would highly doubt he would intentionally throw off your attempt to get the ridiculous laws changed. Honestly, I think before stating such direct accusations more information should be gathered. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe my interpretation of the individual is incorrect. Anyhow the problem is solved and that is what matters I suppose...
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Old 02-10-03, 09:01 PM   #7
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An open letter

To Ottawa Chris,
First your comments of me being proud are nothing but absolutely wrong. I have worked diligently for over twelve years in promoting this hobby to all of the general public. I had hoped that most people out there by now have lost the thought or stereotype that reptile keepers are freaks and weirdos.

As for a dictatorship that is the last reign I am attempting to achieve. As for ruling the hobby, I am presently not interested there are much better people out there that are just hobbyists not like you or I.Family is where it is at these days for me.

As for the personal gain comment when anyone has spent a tenth of the funds or hours that I have put into promoting this hobby then that person is welcome to cast a comment such as yours. I would love too see more people instead of taking as much time as to stereotype others or posting slanderous remarks put that time into working on the promotion of educating the public on reptiles.

The facility had asked me to change the date for the May expo do to a mix up in scheduling a number of weeks ago. They gave me the closest date that would also in addittion allow us to celebrate the www.ssnakess anniversary as well the anniversary for, by throwing a party the evening before with some live entertainment (two live bands) and food etc. Then the expo the next day. The event was booked for 7pm in the evening with the thought that if anyone attending the Ottawa Expo they would be able to travel back in time to attend this function. The Sunday would have hosted again the Toronto Reptile Expo. Saturday the 5th in Ottawa and Sunday the 6th in Toronto. This would have been a province wide reptile weekend extravaganza. April has always been a month we would normally have an Expo scheduled for. I believe actually ten years ago it was our first date back in Toronto. This date has now been cancelled and rescheduled.

As for the talk of the Ottawa show. Well I can say it was in the works. It takes a lot of time and planning to promote and organise an event of this magnitude. One cant handle it like a garage sale. There are officials and people to get on side in which I am sure you are finding out as you go. By-laws can assist an Expo or flatten an Expo.

In the past as well as in the future I have supported any and as many as I possibly can, Ontario Herp Shows. I have supported them across the country if when possible. Be it through table representation or flyers being distributed like yours were at the expo or our retail store. I will still post The Ottawa show flyers.

All in all after speaking to you tonight I was a little dissappointed from the discussion as well as the post. That is my opinion though. I would have thought considering we were in the same room yesterday for eight hours almost that if there was an issue you would have brought it up then. Instead of airing it out on a public forum. Regardless I took the initiative to contact you as my emails to you were unanswered to discuss this. As you can see though I think it will work out in the long run.

The date has been changed from April 06 to March XXth for the next Toronto Reptile Expo, the anniversary party for and has been cancelled until further notice. This hopefully will not cause any conflicts with the April 05 event you are working on.

I can only add one more thing to this that I am hoping everyone will consider. These forums are a great tool for everyone to learn and express their experiences on. Thanks to Jeff, Shane, Matt, Linds, Trace, VG and the other mods it will survive. It is not a place to air problems between individuals. Talk it out or take the time and make a phone call or email even. Your right that when this communiity can work together we can make changes in any commuinty. We did it in Toronto and hopefully herpers in Ottawa will also be successfull in thier efforts.

Grant Crossman
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Last edited by PortCreditPets; 02-11-03 at 10:28 PM..
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Old 02-10-03, 09:16 PM   #8
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Damn, that is very unfortunate. I was really looking forward to the party, and the toronto expo in April, Ottawa is too far for me lol. Well the expo is on another date yes but unfortunately the party is cancelled. Hopefully later something of the sort may be rescheduled
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Old 02-10-03, 09:21 PM   #9
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That's it, anniversary party at my house! And everyone can head off to the Ottawa show when it's done! lol okay I'll need some help moving the furniture out of my house... and convincing my parents that it'll be a small get together.... it'll work!

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Old 02-10-03, 09:21 PM   #10
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LoL I forgot to mention, THIS IS RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION!! LoL, I remember about a month back I said something about a certain individual and I was given **** from just about every member in the forum! lol
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Old 02-10-03, 09:23 PM   #11
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He didn't name names though, it was Jeff who mentioned it and that was only after the whole thing had been cleared up (Plus, who's gonna argue with him??)

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...The first rule of journalism is: Don't talk about journalism... or was that Fight Club?
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Old 02-10-03, 09:23 PM   #12
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I call the dip! (to bring to Kate's party!) lol

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Old 02-10-03, 09:24 PM   #13
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LoL alright alright good point, he didn't mention names, but it is not like we didn't know who he was making the claims against.
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Old 02-10-03, 09:25 PM   #14
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also what did you mean by "Plus, who's gonna argue with him??"
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Old 02-10-03, 09:34 PM   #15
Shane Tesser
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Hmmmm dead issue..dont you think? Thanks for your support everyone
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