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Old 02-04-03, 05:25 PM   #1
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How much does a baby crested gecko "Fire" morph go for now? and how much does a "tiger" morph baby crested go for?


P.S. They have just finished there first shed. to let you know how old they are.
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Old 02-11-03, 01:07 AM   #2
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"Tiger", "Fire" and all that other zaney, marketing lingo has those specific "phases" put up at a wopping $70 for babies, direct from breeder. From a store, you're going to pay anywhere from $90 to $125.00.

If you, yourself, have bred these and are looking to get rid of them, you can expect from $45 to $70... Be extremely thrilled with $50, selling to a store. Sell them privately and you are guaranteed to get the higher end of the spectrum.
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Old 02-11-03, 06:51 PM   #3
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If $70 from a breeder, I wouldnt expect less than $140 from the pet store!!!
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Old 02-12-03, 04:47 PM   #4
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Most pet stores wouldn't want to offer you that kind of cash, considering they turn the animal once more after it's in their possession. That is what they call markup.
The store itself would attempt to sell for $140. They can buy cresteds direct from breeder or supplier for $70, they aren't going to buy the same thing off "joe blow" for $140. There's no point, for them.
Like I said, sell them privately and you're bound to get more of the type of price you're looking for.
You may get lucky selling to a store, but it won't happen often. Stores themselves have to make a buck. It's unfortunate, but that's how the world works.
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Old 02-14-03, 06:37 PM   #5
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I don;t think he meant you could sell them to a pet store for 140, i beleive he meant the cheapest a pet store would sell them (not on sale) would be that 140 (ie double what they paid) but hey if you can sell them to a pet store for $50 thats an easy 50 instead of waiting for someone to privatly buy one

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Old 02-15-03, 08:00 PM   #6
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i usually see cresteds for like $70-200(adults to babies) from private breeders and in stores i see them for like $160(adults to babies)
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Old 07-27-03, 09:01 PM   #7
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how much would normal or a dalmation typically cost?
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Old 07-27-03, 11:07 PM   #8
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Anywhere in the range of 80-125 dollars, prices on crested morphs are a bit weird because two buck skin cresties can hatch out a vivid red. Some people sell according to morph while others sell at the same price.

Can i see those pics, im currently looking for a dark fire with the contrast of orange/yellow on their back.


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Old 07-28-03, 12:02 PM   #9
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this ladies site says she has 4 available, (if its up to date) for $90 each. Near the bottom.
thats the cheapest i have found for now, but i put a wanted add, so maybe someone here is selling one for less
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Old 07-28-03, 04:03 PM   #10
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90 dollars is not a bad deal, but keep looking just incase. Good Luck

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Old 07-28-03, 04:19 PM   #11
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ya i am..kinda annoying seeing all these leos going for under $50, but they are alot more common so.
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Old 07-28-03, 06:15 PM   #12
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Where are you shopping? I have never seen a crested sell THAT cheap. Are you talking in US dollars?

I have seen anywhere from $150 - 250. I bought my very first crested at $250. Which I know was SO expensive, but I didn't know better at the time.

Well I guess it depends on the age too. I only sell my crested at 4 months unless the buyer and I make an aggreement. I like to make sure my babies are top notch before they go.

A pet store offered to buy my babies off of me for $85 each. He also just offered another guy $90 each. I personally don't want to sell my babies to a pet store to get neglected (depending on the pet store and I am in no way insulting people that do). I know you can get over whelmed with babies and have no choice.

I'm just curious to see this babies being sold for that price in Canada. So let me know.

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Old 07-28-03, 07:33 PM   #13
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I got my pair from Tarzet for $80 each, they were one month old when I got them. I think you can get a baby/juvenille crestie for $120 or under easily with a breeder.
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Old 07-28-03, 08:36 PM   #14
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Moonlight Pets,
I agree age does play a factor in price but usually you can find juvi for under $150, you just got to look hard enough


P.S post some pics of your crestie that is for sale!!!
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Old 07-28-03, 09:38 PM   #15
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the $90 was canadian dollars, from the link i posted, the reptile woman her name is cindy something.
Moonlight, you are selling? cause i am looking

edit: i see your site says you have one available, and that you cant let it out of your care until sep, that is perfect for me, because i wouldnt be ready to get it till sep/oct..

if the price is right (i need a job!!!! ) then im definatly very interested.

Last edited by RaVeNo888o; 07-28-03 at 09:41 PM..
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