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Old 10-11-11, 11:26 AM   #1
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So I'm thinkin about breeding roaches for our lizards but I really don't like them. How do you all keep them so they don't escape?
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Old 10-11-11, 11:49 AM   #2
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Re: roaches

Dubias can't climb, or fly (the males can flutter downwards), they don't smell, don't make any sound (other then the sound of them walking) and have live birth at a rate of 30 babies a month per breeder female.
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Old 10-11-11, 11:53 AM   #3
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Re: roaches

I have mine in a large tub from walmart with a square cut out in the top and plastic grating duct taped over the whole, I don't have escapees anymore, used to when my cat could get at them. They are really easy to keep and everything Stephen said is true, except my males zoom around a lot which is why i'm glad they can't get out of the tub lol.
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Old 10-11-11, 11:59 AM   #4
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Re: roaches

ok...this may be a stupid question, but I am not afraid of asking because I don't know the answer.

How Healthy are they?
I "might" consider them since they can't climb, fly, & don't smell...all major pluses, but would they be healthy for bearded dragons?

What do they eat?
How do you raise them?
Enclosure? Tupperware box or aquarium? Does it matter?
Heat? Do they need heat? (Ee-gads...can't believe I am considering this...)
Lighting? Do they need light? If so, UVA / UVB or just regular?
Do you keep them all together? Or do they have to be separated?
How can you tell the males from females?
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Old 10-11-11, 12:57 PM   #5
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Re: roaches


They eat fresh fruit

Tupperware is best

They carry no diseases, I allow them to walk on me, no problems.

A small heat pad in one corner or just sit the tote over a hot vivarium, I sit mine on top of chompers cage and let chompers escaping heat warm the roaches. around 95 degrees ambient (F) works great.

They are well known as real good lizard food, I feed my lizards Dubia roaches.

They are super cheap to buy, and Even cheaper yet to breed.

They are also fascinating to observe.

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Old 10-11-11, 01:34 PM   #6
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Re: roaches

Sexing them is done by looking at the belly scales for nymphs, and wings for adults.

Flip them over and look at the last segment on the abdomen. Females will have a very large last segment. Males will have a small one.
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Old 10-11-11, 01:44 PM   #7
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Re: roaches

Whilst we were decorating i had mine in a tub on the kitchen table, they are cleaner than cats for sure!!

Because i tended to forget that i had put fruit in their tub until it smelled i only feed bug grub but they are still healthy and bulky food.

For our spiny tailed monitor we used to feed 12 crickets and we only feed 4-6 roaches (depending on the size of the roaches at that time)
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Old 10-11-11, 01:46 PM   #8
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: roaches

Is It sad that I want a lizard so I have a reason to have roaches? lol
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Old 10-11-11, 01:47 PM   #9
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Re: roaches

Originally Posted by Gungirl View Post
Is It sad that I want a lizard so I have a reason to have roaches? lol

Just breed them anyways - sell off the excess for feeders to the local lizard owners!!
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Old 10-11-11, 01:53 PM   #10
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Re: roaches

OK, What about cleaning their enclosure? How nasty are they? I ask cause every one knows Crickets are BLEH.
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Old 10-11-11, 02:05 PM   #11
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Re: roaches

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
Just breed them anyways - sell off the excess for feeders to the local lizard owners!!
I dont know of a single person near me that has a lizard I wish I did....
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Old 10-11-11, 02:15 PM   #12
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Re: roaches

Originally Posted by ZARADOZIA View Post
OK, What about cleaning their enclosure? How nasty are they? I ask cause every one knows Crickets are BLEH.
I clean my roach cage every 3-5 months. My method is really simple... Take a plastic container and cut it so its short and has no lip, then sandpaper the entire thing so its not smoothe and the roaches can climb in and out and ONLY put the food in there, make a second one for the water crystals (Buy this in bulk at any place that sells plants for about 8$ for a 5pound bag (should last you the rest of your life) Clean the food container every time you refill it and just clean the water crystal container every time it gets nasty...

They do seam to do better when ventilated, so add window screening to the top with a glue gun and take the food out after a day or 2 so it doesn't rot. (I have food in my enclosure 2 days on 3 days off and I feed the reptiles the roaches the day I remove the food so they are as full as possible. (roaches store 2-3 days of food in their systems)
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Old 10-11-11, 02:19 PM   #13
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Re: roaches

Originally Posted by Gungirl View Post
I dont know of a single person near me that has a lizard I wish I did....
Look on Craigslist. Or local ads, like for us we have Southern Maryland Online™ - Your on-line community for Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary's Counties.™

Contact local vets and ask them if you can advertise reptile food with them, (Ask if they have reptile patients)
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Old 10-11-11, 02:22 PM   #14
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Re: roaches

Originally Posted by stephanbakir View Post
I clean my roach cage every 3-5 months. My method is really simple... Take a plastic container and cut it so its short and has no lip, then sandpaper the entire thing so its not smoothe and the roaches can climb in and out and ONLY put the food in there, make a second one for the water crystals (Buy this in bulk at any place that sells plants for about 8$ for a 5pound bag (should last you the rest of your life) Clean the food container every time you refill it and just clean the water crystal container every time it gets nasty...

They do seam to do better when ventilated, so add window screening to the top with a glue gun and take the food out after a day or 2 so it doesn't rot. (I have food in my enclosure 2 days on 3 days off and I feed the reptiles the roaches the day I remove the food so they are as full as possible. (roaches store 2-3 days of food in their systems)
OK I have to please (if you don't mind)? I am a very visual person.
You will be fine here none of us are "normal", we are all "morphs" of one kind or another. ~LankyRob
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Old 10-11-11, 02:27 PM   #15
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Re: roaches

You have to make sure not to clean the cage to often or all your babies will die they eat the adults poop. As for our colony we have it in a 30 gallon aquarium with a screen top and uth. We haven't had to actually clean the cage yet since the colony hasn't been going for to long but we have an extra 10 gallon for cleaning.
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