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Old 07-07-11, 10:11 PM   #1
KD35WIN.AS.ONE's Avatar
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Had to rehome All of my snakes.

Within the last few days ive had to rehome all of my snakes but one. I am moving to a one bedroom apartment on campus early August. I probably didnt "have" to but bringing them with me (especially the big ones) would have been really difficult. I dont know anyone to buy rats/rabbits from up there. (Columbia Sc), also wont have the room. They all went to homes of people i know besides one, and he went to a guy that just retired from the Air Force. I really didnt want to, i could of left them here like i did in the past but this is more serious this time i wont be coming back.
Also lately ive been spending alot of my time around different Venomous snakes through people i know. So to be honest ive been getting alot more into them, and kind have lost alittle of the interest ive had for the last 12 years in non venomous, but still a snake is a snake. Ill be looking later on to maybe add one or two more snakes to my collection. but they have to meet certain criteria, size being the first one. Ive always loved arboreal Vipers ive looked into a few already. The only one i kept is my Southern Banded Copperhead.
I figured id let you guys know, i plan to stay on the forum though, although i wont be needing much information anymore, i still love to read the opinions here. And give advice whenever i can. Thanks for reading if you did.

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Old 07-07-11, 10:39 PM   #2
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

good luck man
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Old 07-07-11, 10:41 PM   #3
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

sad to hear that, but at least u was able to keep at least 1
There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 07-07-11, 10:59 PM   #4
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

@Forza Inter Thanks im guessing your implying "good luck" with keeping hots. But i could use the good luck for school this semester as well.

@ilovemypets1988 Yea it was hard to let my Burms go even though i haven't had them as long. I have only re homed one snake in my past, but these guys were not easy to see leave. I know there not like dogs that will grow affectionate towards you but still there your "pets". Yea the one i kept is very beautiful, feeds very well, not aggressive and rides the hook really well. Easy to maintain aswell. Schools not going to be easy this year, i just got my Associates in Applied Science at Tri-County Tech, and transferred to USC for my Bio degree. It would be really hard to maintain that many snakes and do well in school, plus work... It was for the better for them and for me, atleast i am very confident they went to good homes.

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Old 07-07-11, 11:06 PM   #5
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

the only real thing is that by getting rid of your pets, you loose alittle convidence within yourselve but if its 1 thing that u need for school, its just that - confidence - however, you can feel confidnet in the fact that your working to improve yourself which will lead to a better future life and better situation upon which you will findyourself having loads of snakes that you wouldnt normally be able to keep. so dont let this 1 situation get you down, infact use it as motivation to get you through school to 1 day get them back by sayingto yourself, those snaske are the outcome that i want and i have to work hard at this to get what i want.
There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 07-07-11, 11:22 PM   #6
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Thumbs up Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

Originally Posted by ilovemypets1988 View Post
the only real thing is that by getting rid of your pets, you loose alittle convidence within yourselve but if its 1 thing that u need for school, its just that - confidence - however, you can feel confidnet in the fact that your working to improve yourself which will lead to a better future life and better situation upon which you will findyourself having loads of snakes that you wouldnt normally be able to keep. so dont let this 1 situation get you down, infact use it as motivation to get you through school to 1 day get them back by sayingto yourself, those snaske are the outcome that i want and i have to work hard at this to get what i want.
Thanks for that... Seriously.

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Old 07-07-11, 11:24 PM   #7
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

thats perfectly fine, i kind of know what its like, so happy to help, also if you need any advice with school or anything as such, just let me know and i will try to help the best i can
There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 07-07-11, 11:35 PM   #8
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

Thanks i will, another reason is FASA isnt looking to kick out much money in my direction this year. Im going to have to get a couple of the books on my own.

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Old 07-07-11, 11:37 PM   #9
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

Originally Posted by KD35WIN.AS.ONE View Post
Schools not going to be easy this year, i just got my Associates in Applied Science at Tri-County Tech, and transferred to USC for my Bio degree. It would be really hard to maintain that many snakes and do well in school, plus work...
I hear you loud and clear. I have 2 more semesters before I'm done with my BS and this Fall I'm carrying 18 credits along with workstudy an internship and being a single mom (not even saying anything about my age hehehe). But I love my animals. They may be work but they also give me the peace I need sometimes.

I think you made a good decision to rehome your snakes. There will be enough stress once you start USC (it's nothing like an AA), the books can cost up to a grand so there is another stressor in case your snakes need a vet, and a lot of the times your schedule is so tight that getting half an hour more sleep is like a mini vacation. Get settled in first and find your new routine and then you'll get the calling when it's time to add on.

Good luck in your move and new beginning.
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Old 07-07-11, 11:38 PM   #10
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

and i know that school books dont come cheap, books for my equine husbandry course cost well over a few hundred tbh, let alone all of the riding gear and everything else i needed.
There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 07-08-11, 12:01 AM   #11
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

@MarionsclanThank you for the encouraging words! I knew i could take atleast 2 snakes with me, possibly even 3 at the most.. But all of mine were way to big besides the other Copperhead. Ive been thinking about getting one small one to take with me, haven't really decided on that though. Thanks again though and i see from your post you can feel my pain with school hahah.

@ilovemypets1988 Yea they are not cheap, they have one book i need listed at $325... REALLY?

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Old 07-08-11, 12:09 AM   #12
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

Oh as for books, I found that you can sometimes contact the manufacturer and get it at a discount straight from them. Or, you can ask your professor if he/she has a spare that you can borrow because you're short of funds.

I've been renting them and have been faring so much better, money wise, then if I would buy them and then return them or resell them. I even gotten away without a book in some classes because most of it was about writing research papers so I could borrow books from the library or go online for scholarly articles.
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Old 07-08-11, 01:47 AM   #13
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

have a look on amazon, you maybe able to get the books cheaply on there
There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 07-08-11, 03:47 AM   #14
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

Its never an easy choice to give up on our animals but in any situation where it is the best choice for the animal it is the best thing to do.

WEll done for making the correct choice and ensuring that they get the care and attention that they need and deserve, good lucj with "school" and make sure you work damn hard so that the hard decidion you made is worht it!

Hope all goes well.
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Old 07-08-11, 04:59 AM   #15
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Re: Had to rehome All of my snakes.

It sucks, but its not the end of the world, I had to get rid of ALL of my reptiles, slowly getting them back.
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