TARAS show & sale rules
Show Etiquette/Rules
1) Only a) captive bred, b) farmed, or c) long term captive, wild caught animals (wild caught animals that have been in captivity for at least one year) may be offered for sale at T.A.R.A.S. shows. Display of short term, wild caught animals is permitted as long as they are not offered for sale and providing they are healthy. The origins of animals for sale must be clearly labeled on their display terrarium/container (ie. “captive bred”, “farmed”, or “wild caught”
2) No animals with mites, ticks, or any other parasites shall be allowed for display or sale at T/A/R/A/S/ shows. If the T.A.R.A.S. board of directors deems the health of an animal to be compromised in any shape or manner, including parasites of any kind, the owner of the reptile in question will be required to vacate the show immediately along with his/her entire display. Further disciplinary action may be taken by T.A.R.A.S., up to and including a permanent ban from displaying at future T.A.R.A.S. shows.
3) Any display animal restricted within the province of Alberta must be accompanied with valid Fish and Wildlife permits. Restricted animals ay be sold only to persons possessing valid permits. Attached is a copy of the Alberta controlled list for those who are unfamiliar with the regulations in this province
4) Exhibitors must provide adequate show housing for their animals; overcrowding of cages will not be permitted. Heat, food, and water must be provided as per each animal’s requirements.
5) Due to liability considerations, handling of animals will be restricted to their respective tables. T.A.R.A.S. recognizes that it is most often necessary for a potential buyer to inspect and handle an animal prior to purchase. However, it is the exhibitors responsibility to maintain control of said animal while it is being inspected. Walking about with “loose” animals (ie. A snake over one’s shoulders) is prohibited
6) No unregistered participants will be permitted to exhibit or sell animals at the show.
7) For reasons of security, no members of the public shall be permitted behind the display tables. If you see any problems or have any concerns, please alert one of the T.A.R.A.S. board members A.S.A.P.. Althrough T.A.R.A.S. will be monitoring the show, security is ultimately the responsibility of each exhibitor; T.A.R.A.S. holds no responsibility for theft or losses.
8) Frozen feeder animals (mice, rats, rabbits, etc) are to be places in non-transparent bags, so as to not offend members of the public. Live feeder animals (crickets etc) must be pre-packaged prior to the show start-up and sale to prevent escape. Feeding of live prey is not allowed during the show. There is no need to feed animals during the 2 day show, and if required should be done at home. We can not have any loose feeder animals at the show.
9) Exhibitors shall inform buyers to keep animals warm when transporting them from the show.
10) Exhibitors accepting deposits for future delivery of animals must provide a signed receipt to the buyer, which details:
a. The commitment date (ie. The latest expected delivery date of the animal to the buyer)
b. If the animal is not available by the commitment date, an immediate and full refund will be issued
TARAS has adopted a “one strike and you are out” approach to this rule. Exhibitors failing to comply with the above terms will not be permitted to display at future shows, nor will they be permitted to advertise in the TARAS bulletin and on the TARAS website.
11) Exhibitors must be prepared to have their display complete and set up at least 1 hour prior to the show each day (no later than 9:00 AM).
12) This is a family show, so exhibitors are asked to conduct themselves accordingly
13) Exhibitors are expected to dress and conduct business in a professional manner
14) Vendors are required to display on both days of the show
15) Anyone intentionally providing incorrect information or misrepresenting their stock will be asked to leave the show at T.A.R.A.S. boards discretion.
Interpretation and enforcement of the preceding rules will be at the sole discretion of the T.A.R.A.S. Board of Directors. Their rulings shall be considered final and binding. Participation in the show assumes acceptance of and full compliance with these rules.
Vendor ________________________________________________
Company Name _________________________________________
By signing the above you have read, understood and accepted the T.A.R.A.S Show rules.
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at gonesnakee@shaw.ca